Category Archives: Literature

Books, magazines, rags & other printed words.

COSMO: What I Learned In April 2011

What, can I say? It's been a while. It seems while one of my original From Scratch monthly posts recapping the cockamamie advice of one Cosmopolitan Magazine has been good to me with a plentitude of hits, I have not been very good to it, throwing it to the wayside in exchange for copious amounts of Ke$ha posts. Well I'm sorry, to the Cosmo rag and RadCooks faithfuls alike. I was doing all over you, myself included, a disservice of massive proportions. But don't fret, my duties to the Sex Bible will no longer go untended. What's the change in attitude, say you? Well dear internet-mongers, it's Lent, and as a terrible Catholic and one who's never kept a Lent Resolution (what do you call what you give up for 40 days?) I've decided to turn over a new leaf. I'm not giving anything up this Lent, because that would be counter-productive, instead I'm going to do something. And what shall I do, you ask? I'm going to do reading! It's really quite shameful, I'm a writer, in and out, I write for fun, I write for leisure, I write for pay, I write because I'm always right but I don't read. So I'm going to, at least for the next 40 days (hopefully.) Today I'm reading Cosmo's April edition, cover to cover, even the monthly rape article. I know what you're thinking, Cosmo isn't real reading, well to you I say, baby steps, my friend. Tomorrow I'm hitting Freud's "Three Contributions To The Theory of Sex," but tonight, tonight I read about PC muscles and mildly kinky sex! Without further ado, here's your Cosmo Recap for April 2011 starring Tron: Legacy's Olivia Wilde! Cosmo Cover Girl: Olivia Wilde pg. 48-51 Birth Control Break Down: Why Your Method Sucks, Plus A NEW Condom & Morning After Pill! pg. 162-165 The Sexy Side Of Ovulation pg. 158-159 A Three-Step Guide To The Full Body Orgasm pg. 134 101 Things About Men: ORLY?! pg. 70-73 MacGyver Beauty Tips pg. 203-207 Your Hair Might Look Good, But It Can Also Give You Cancer! pg. 176 Read Olivia Wilde's full article below!

Porn For The Blind

Well here's something interesting I found in my daily perusing of the blogs. Toronto artist Lisa J. Murphym who published The Tactile Mind two years ago, a 3D book of nudes with braille descriptions, has added four more images she's calling theTactile Atelier Bookmark. The original book comes at a whopping $225 (is that Canadian moneys?) with the erotic extension pack (lol) at an additional $100. And no wonder why they cost so much, Murphym does all the work herself.
I took photographs of my friends in lingerie, blew up the images, and hand-sculpted them into clay. Then I made thermoform copies. I ran the plastic myself through my thermoform machine at home, so each one took awhile to make. The butt was really hard to sculpt. I wanted to get it nice and even and give it a feminine softness so it would actually feel like a woman's butt. It took me days to sculpt all the curves right, but I'm told it does feel like a woman's butt in a G-string.
Yes Lisa, the ass is always the hardest! Well I glad that at least Lisa was trying to be realistic in capturing the 3D form of a curvy and cellulite-endowed hottie. The additional four images are supposed to be a sort of teaser at a new book Murphym plans to put out, promising that it will be more erotic and with couples. I can't wait! Via ONTD

Best Of RadCooks 2010

What a year it's been! 2010 was Radioactive Cookies' inaugural year and I think we did a pretty great job! Since it's inception on February 24, 2010, RadCooks has received almost 30,000 hits and I couldn't be happier! In honor of the New Year, we of course need to recap all the amazingness of 2010. So here's a best of list that'll make you laugh, cry and probably cringe. 5 Most Visited Posts 1. PHAT GIRLS: 25 Hot Full Figured Women In Hollywood: All you skinny bitches can move aside because 2010 was the year of the big girl! As a proud curvaceous woman myself, I am so happy that the chubby chasers of the world have made Phat Girls my #1 most visited post the year! 2. RadFem To Watch: Jaclyn Santos: Thanks to a Tweet from the RedFem herself, Jaclyn Santos, this post received 2nd honors! Thanks Jaclyn, we hope to see more of you in 2010! 3. HAPPY MILF DAY: 40 Hot Hollywood Moms: Mother's Day 2010 was my busiest day of the year. With the most posts I've ever done, I also received the most viewership. Shame on you all for reading my glob instead of spending quality time with your mommy! 4. THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE: A Look At Ass-To-Mouth Surgery: The Human Centipede, what can I say? Those of you that read this post along with honorable mention THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE Review I just want to let you know that you are all very sick and you are not alone! 5. VAJAZZLE With A "J" & VAGAZZLED aka Swarovski Pubes: Let's not forget my Vajazzled posts! The pair, tied for 5th place were some of my very first posts! Though I can't take all the credit, I have to give a shout out to Bryce Gruber who took one for the team and had her lady garden bedazzeled on camera! MissBleecker's Top 5 Posts 1. KATY PERRY: The Ironic Feminist: Who could forget my massive and incredibly late Katy Perry post? Not only was this one of my most extensive posts but it was also one of the funnest. Let's not forget it introduced Prof.PurplePants! 2. CHRISTINA AGUILERA'S "NOT MYSELF TONIGHT": A Lesson In Radical Feminism: One of my top rated posts, NMT was a great song that I felt was seriously underrated. And of course, I'll always have a spot in my heart and on my glob for my #1 girl Christina Aguilera! 3. AUTO-FELLATIO: Sampling Your Own Pancakes: Oh auto-fellatio, you almost made it into the top 5! What can I say, it was a simpler time when I could write about a man pleasuring himself orally, though I have heard of a slight demand for an autolingus post... 4. The No Makeup Week Series: A great week of my life was spent au natural for you good people. It was a really great experience and hopefully the first of more to come in personal experiments! 5. RadFem Of The Century: The Ho That Boned 13 Duke Athletes And Wrote A Thesis About It: How could we forget the Duke Fuck List author Karen Owen? This was your year girl, relish in it! 5 Posts You Didn't Read But Should 1. The Interactions With An Anonymous Stranger Who Will Remain Nameless Series: This series is a personal favorite of mine. With three volumes down, I hope to keep you updated on the awfully bad attempts made at yours truly. 2. The 2010 Oscar Predictions and Outcomes Posts: I really cannot believe that there were so few readers of my 2010 Oscar posts. Not only did I predict nearly all the winners (yeah, you could have cleaned up in your office pool) but I analyzed the Oscars through a feminist and political lens. Let's not have the same fate for Oscar Watch 2011! 3. MissBleecker Goes To Washington: I was on a bus for 10 hours in one day, I missed all of my friends, I wore cookies on my breasts, and I came home to keep the party going for Halloween as Ke$ha and you still didn't read my post?! 4. The Theory of Sexual Economics Pt. 1 & Pt. 2: I have to admit these posts were a bit off collar for RadCooks but interesting nonetheless. Check them out to see what personality type is your best match according to me! 5. “THE RUNAWAYS” REVIEW: Men, You Can’t Stomach This Kind Of Gore: Now I will admit, having seen The Runaways, it was not the best movie of the year, it wasn't the worst either. It just didn't get much recognition either way, as my review did. However, I attended a screening with Joan Jett and she had some insider scoop that any rock 'n roller would love to read! Well there you have it, the Best Of RadCooks Lists 2010! I hope you all had a great year! I can't wait for 2011, I'm sure it'll be as disastrous a year in pop culture as 2010 was!

Ke$ha Is A COMPLEX Girl

The always Kla$$y Ke$ha covers the December/January issue of Complex Magazine. Now there's a lot we know about Ke$ha: she likes glitter, whiskey, beards and churning out chart topping party anthems (her latest single We R Who We R debuted at #1 on Billboard.) But as it turns out, Ke$ha is a little more complex (see what I did there?) than your average ripped tights, glittered up, blonde pop singer. 10 Things You Didn't Know About Ke$ha 1. She threw up in Paris Hilton's closet 2. She got 1500 on her SATs (back when that was a really good score) 3. She gets turned on by quarters 4. She's open to women 5. She doesn't "know" who Uffie is 6. A chill night is drinking wine and watching Eastbound & Down 7. Her VMA garbage bag dress was a response to being called "garbage chic" 8. She lived in a squatter house where The Eagles recorded 9. She dumped her last boyfriend (Drummer Alex Carapetis) for acting like a woman 10. The infamous P. Diddy opening line in Tik ToK was inspired by waking up surrounded by beautiful women Check out a behind the scenes video from her Complex Shoot. [vodpod id=Video.4974927&w=425&h=350&fv=] Full INTERVIEW after the JUMP!!! Via ONTD Continue reading Ke$ha Is A COMPLEX Girl

Interactions With An Anonymous Stranger Who Will Remain Nameless Vol. II

The Cab Driver It was around noon, I'd woken up at 10AM, and despite the two hours that had passed, I was still in my friend's pajama pants. There was no way I was going to put on my black pencil skirt and suede booties on Saturday morning and cab it back to my place. No, I decided to take the classier route and just not get ready at all. So I excited the building, new table I'd found in the garbage in hand and I hailed a cab. The mustard Ford pulled up in front on me, I tossed my furniture inside along with my disheveled, pajamaed form. "Somewhere on Bleecker St." I said, and I looked out the window to see more awake people walking hand in hand on the beautiful October day. My Cabbie was on the phone, speaking some language I couldn't understand. He got off the phone. "How is your day?" He asked. "So far, so good." "Do you have a husband, boyfriend? Oh, god- I thought. "Boyfriend." I lied. "Lucky guy. Where are you from?" "I'm from where you're taking me." "New York City is a crazy place." "Yeah, but I call it home. How about you?" "India." He said. "Have you ever had a fuck buddy? You should take my number." Jesus Christ, are we there yet?- "No, I don't think my boyfriend would really like that." Should I bother to walk it?'- "How long have you been together?" "Uh-" Searching. "About 6 months." "Oh, not so long. You should take my number in case you guys break up." "No man, I think I'm good." We were circling the park, so close. "You know I see it everyday, married couples, they have mistresses. They get bored. You don't think you'll get bored with the same person" Now he wanted to get into a relationship conversation. "Well I don't think it's a problem with boredom, I think it's a matter of finding the right person." "I always get bored." He said without even thinking about my response. "So what, there's no nice Indian girls you want?" I asked. "No," he grinned, "just a fuck buddy." We were pulling up to my block. "Right up here, on the right." I pulled out my credit card. I swiped. I tipped. And with my hand on the door handle, "Well, I hope you find a nice girl so you don't think we're all boring." I opened the car door, lugged my table out and as I turned he chuckled and said, "I'm never going to change." The table was unstable.

Interactions With An Anonymous Stranger Who Will Remain Nameless Vol. I

Following in the footsteps of this centuries RadFem, The Duchess herself, Karen Owen of Duke University (the chick who wrote The Fuck List) I have decided to collect my own data. Not in that way, you sicko, it will be a sort of homage, if you will. Now I've been going out a lot recently because, let's face it, MissBleecker needs to get her party on, work hard, play hard, another rule to live by! I'm sure by now your begging me to stop blabbering and explain exactly what I'm blabbering about, and I will. As you can tell it's called "Interactions With An Anonymous Stranger Who Will Remain Nameless" (I couldn't think of anything shorter) it will (hopefully) be an ongoing series of posts dedicated to all the randos I encounter out in the world: people I will never see again, a chance encounter that would normally make no difference in my life if I'd decided to not glob about it, a person that will never ever read RadCooks, but a person that you might know or might possibly run into one day. It began with an idea of writing about men I'd meet, that would try to pick me up (and fail) but I might consider expanding it all people, we'll see, wherever the wind tends to blow this post. But we will begin this series with a pickup, a dramatization of my adventure last night, and to you, Anonymous Stranger Who Will Remain Nameless, thanks for the interaction and have a good life... wherever you are! It all began last night, a Saturday, not unlike any other Saturday before it, I was going to watch a friend's band play at a loft party in the Village... *Ripple* *Ripple* *Fade* *Fade* We walked up to a black door and entered, climbed the three flights of rickety stairs to the noise and various smells above us. A jacked out Jersey Shore wannabe was running the entryway, "IDs, $10," he repeated. In return for the party fee we were each given a gold wristband, which would be added to my left hand collection of random bracelets I would be given. When we walked in it was a bit dead, we found our friend, who would later be playing the Casio in what I would refer to as a Kings of Leon/Rock band but trippy. "I'm glad you guys didn't come earlier," he said as he surveyed the crowd, still forming in the late evening. And so we did what any 20-somethings would do as we waited for the festivities to start, we went to the bar. As I approached the bar, which, let's say just for the record, was not actually a bar, but more like a folding table from K-Mart covered with copious amounts of Cuervo Silver, Svedka, various mixers and Red Bull (which I normally hate but had been craving all night.) As I was standing by the bar, somewhat detached from my circle of friends I felt a presence lurking near me, I turned and saw a man checking me out, "Wanna hook up?" he asked me rather curtly. I just looked at him. He chuckled, "I'm just kidding." "Would you be kidding if I'd said 'yes?'" "No, honestly I wouldn't have. Because I don't know you and I don't just do that. Now maybe if I got to know you it'd be a different story." He extended his hand, "Hi, I'm AnAnonymousStranger." "I'm MissBleecker." "Nice to meet you," he said to me with a relaxed grin, "That's step one." And then he was gone, but it wouldn't be my only interaction with this AnonymousStranger. Read more after the JUMP! Continue reading Interactions With An Anonymous Stranger Who Will Remain Nameless Vol. I

RadFem Of The Century: The Ho That Boned 13 Duke Athletes And Wrote A Thesis About It

Name: Unknown Alias: The Whore Of Duke aka The Duchess (MissBleecker dubbed) Birthday: Unknown, but most likely between 1987-1989 Claim To Fame: A Power Point project, which became known as The Fuck List, recently went viral on the internet after a friend of a friend leaked it. The Fuck List is an in depth analysis, written as a faux college thesis, of The Duchess's sexual escapades throughout her years as a Duke co-ed. All the men in the "study" were athletes, popular, boneable by all definitions and the whore got all of them. She met most of them at a local hot-spot called Shooters (sounds Kla$$y) and did most of the fucking while intoxicated. RadFem Worthy: Leave it to Beaver to fuck 13 guys all in the name of science. This ho claims she never wanted the thesis to get out, yet she kept a thorough record of the cute-meet, size, pros and cons of the sex as well as a transcript of several nasty sexts. Mmhmm. Methinks the lady doth protest too much. Bitch was all about leaking this shit, why else would she write it in such pithy candor? Regardless, kudos to you Anonymous FuckWhore! You knocked boots with some of the finest physical specimen at a big time smartypants college, good for you! Now some might say that this is airing on the side of reverse-sexism, objectification and even a little misandronistic (not a word, but I'm making it one) and it might very well be all of them, but you know what, I don't care. And why? Because it was done by a woman... and if you read the report most of the guys deserve it. Just kidding, but let this be a warning to all you gents who wish to bed a drunken anonymous strangerlady, the details of your penis, weak game and quick release might wind up on the interweb. Cheerio! Fun Fact: Jezebel posted The Fuck List anonymously and were contacted by both HarperCollins and William Morris for the Duchess's contact information. Homegirl is going to be a best selling author and have a three picture deal by the end of the week. If you want to read the full Fuck List jump! It's like a picture book! Continue reading RadFem Of The Century: The Ho That Boned 13 Duke Athletes And Wrote A Thesis About It

THE RAG TIMES: Halle on Vogue, Montana on As Is, Kim on Allure & Nicki on Black Woman!!!

Halle Berry: First Black Women On Vogue Since 1989
The September issue of Vogue, aka the most important issue of the most important magazine ever is featuring it's first black woman in 21 years. Halle Berry is only the second black woman to grace the cover of the September issue (Naomi Campbell was the first in 1989.)
Montana Fishburne on As Is Cover
May I draw your attention to the headline, which reads, "Montana Fishburne: Star of Porn Tape & Lawrence Fishburne's Daughter Says: "I'm Not Doing Shit To Him, But Fucking and Having My Career." Kla$$y!
Kim Kardashian On Being Skinny/Fat In Allure
Okay, I think I'm starting to get it. Kim wants to be an icon for curvy women but she back then she was just too damn fat. That totally makes sense.
Nicki Minaj Covers Black Woman Talks Gaga
Nicki Minaj is a hot new artist on the hip-hop/rap scene and is turning some heads with her wild style. In the most recent issue of Black Woman, which Miss Minaj covers, she talks about the comparison made between she and Lady Gaga.

Hollywood In Black & White

When the March issue of Vanity Fair came out featuring only white actresses for their New Hollywood issue, there was a storm of controversy demanding more diversity representation. Now, in it's first issue, Fearless Magazine is featuring all black women on their cover. Fearless Cover: (From the left) Tia Mowry, Lauren London, Naturi Naughton, Monique Coleman, Jennifer Freeman, Kyla Pratt, Tiffany Hines, and Chyna Layne. Vanity Fair Cover: (From the left) Abbie Cornish, Kristen Stewart, Carey Mulligan, Amanda Seyfried, Rebecca Hall, Mia Wasikowska, Emma Stone, Evan Rachel Wood, and Anna Kendrick. Now while I do think it's kind of ridiculous for a publication like Vanity Fair to completely ignore "diversity" in Hollywood, and I do think it's great for black women to have a voice and representation in the media, I don't know if this is necessarily the answer. What the covers illustrate is an overall lack on diversity represented in Hollywood. Obviously black women are minimized, but by segmenting Hollywood into black and white, it represents more of a two party system than diversity, which by definition means many. Neither magazine features women of an "other" race; we see no Asian, Latin, Middle Eastern or any other "type" of women. Where's the gay representation? Where is the full-figured representation? Where's the over 40 representation? It's obvious from these covers, that a more diverse Hollywood is needed to better represent the face of the modern American women. As far as what's needed to represent "us" in more realistic way, Hollywood is going to have to stop seeing in just black and white. *Shooting Star* The more you know! (That was a corny closer, yeah?) Here's a video of the behind the scenes footage from the Fearless photo shoot! Via ONTD

Where In The World Is MissBleecker?!

To My Loyal & Deranged Readers, Where in the world is MissBleecker?! I'm sure that over the past few weeks this question has not only plagued your thoughts but tormented your dreams and perhaps even made you a little suspicious that I've been off gallivanting and writing for someone other than you. Well if that's what you thought, then you'd be correct. Dearest readers the search is over as MissBleecker's alter-ego (the regular one, BORING) has found a job. It's true, the Kla$$ier part of my mind is getting paid for legitimate work in the entertainment industry, and yes there's a bit of keyboard fingering involved. But back to the goods... I would apologize for not writing, but as I don't get paid for this (yet, *wink* *wink* advertisers!) I am not sorry! In all seriousness though, I want to do my best to bring my pre and post-grad lives together and keep you all informed and entertained with (mostly, but sometimes not) mindless bites. So what can you, the reader come to expect from the new RadCooks? Well for one, there are going to be less posts. Sorry but I am no longer spending my days in my PJs lying on a futon (as attractive that idea is, it's not really a sustainable lifestyle.) Ah, but don't fret my little babies, you'll still get the same bites, Cosmo recaps and snarky commentary as before. What's even better is I'm going to try (emphasis on TRY) to up the quality of my original posts, starting with a Retrospective on Katy Perry! Exciting! Look for that one this weekend. So sit on your mittens and hold on like hell (I don't know what that means) because RadCooks is going through some changes. I hope to keep you all along for the ride. Keep commenting, keep sharing posts and for God's sake will you bitches throw me some ideas? My brain is starting to hurt! Rainbows + Sunshine, <3 MissBleecker