THE RAG TIMES: Halle on Vogue, Montana on As Is, Kim on Allure & Nicki on Black Woman!!!

Kim Kardashian On Being Skinny/Fat In Allure Tues, Aug 17 Speaking of Kim Kardashian... She seems to be sending some mixed signals in Allure this month. Kim talks about her notorious Playboy shoot, which she later said she regretted doing. Kim seems to be standing behind it because it gave fuller women a better self-image., Kim says.
I'm proud to do this and to show people that I don't have to be stick-skinny to be looked at as a sex symbol, and to me that's not what's attractive anyway.
Then Kim backpaddles a little and says she wishes she'd waited until she was hopped up on diet pills and thinner to do the nude shoot. Here, why don't I let her explain,
After the fact, I said, 'I wish I hadn't done Playboy then' -- not that it's something I wouldn't do now, but because then I wasn't in the best shape of my life... I lost about 15 pounds, and I feel so proud. I look back and say, 'Oh, my God, I was so heavy then.' If you look now, I'm so much skinnier; my face is so much slimmer; my whole stomach is defined.
Okay, I think I'm starting to get it. Kim wants to be an icon for curvy women but she back then she was just too damn fat. That totally makes sense. Kim, stick to sitting still and looking pretty. You're good at it. I personally think Kim is gorgeous and is an icon for curvy women and she should own that instead of peddling diet pills that are really a stroke wrapped in sugar-coated bullshit. Obviously Hugh Hefner wouldn't have a big fat, fatty on the cover of his magazine. Take the compliment that men want to jerk it to you and leave it alone. Via ONTD

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