Tag Archives: interview

Ke$ha Is A COMPLEX Girl

The always Kla$$y Ke$ha covers the December/January issue of Complex Magazine. Now there's a lot we know about Ke$ha: she likes glitter, whiskey, beards and churning out chart topping party anthems (her latest single We R Who We R debuted at #1 on Billboard.) But as it turns out, Ke$ha is a little more complex (see what I did there?) than your average ripped tights, glittered up, blonde pop singer. 10 Things You Didn't Know About Ke$ha 1. She threw up in Paris Hilton's closet 2. She got 1500 on her SATs (back when that was a really good score) 3. She gets turned on by quarters 4. She's open to women 5. She doesn't "know" who Uffie is 6. A chill night is drinking wine and watching Eastbound & Down 7. Her VMA garbage bag dress was a response to being called "garbage chic" 8. She lived in a squatter house where The Eagles recorded 9. She dumped her last boyfriend (Drummer Alex Carapetis) for acting like a woman 10. The infamous P. Diddy opening line in Tik ToK was inspired by waking up surrounded by beautiful women Check out a behind the scenes video from her Complex Shoot. [vodpod id=Video.4974927&w=425&h=350&fv=] Full INTERVIEW after the JUMP!!! Via ONTD Continue reading Ke$ha Is A COMPLEX Girl

Gossip Girls Gone Wild

Blake Lively, known for he portrayal of Serena van der Wooodsen on Gossip Girl, more recently for the 37 year-old crackhead mother in The Town and in my dreams as the girl who will supply my future human hair weaves cock-slapped an Australian interviewer recently. When the interviewer asked her about the infamous Taylor Momsen burning her dog's neutered balls (firstly he didn't know how to pronounce neutered) the golden-haired goddess responded with a sarcastic little response and then added,
No, there's no dog ball burning on our set, but if you keep asking me questions like this there will be some ball-busting.
I have never been so proud before, not only is her hair multi-faceted but so is her sarcasm! In related news, Tay-Tay was recently interview by Revolver Magazine, she talks about all her favorite things, like sex tapes and masturbation.
What? Is this not appropriate for a 17 year-old?
If it's a good sex tape, I'll watch it. I like some adult stars. I have a couple favorites. But I will say this: That Tommy Lee/Pamela Anderson video wasn't very good. I wouldn't f--k Tommy Lee... Guys can masturbate. So why can't girls? Why is that such a hidden topic from the world?
Well said! And let's all remember she just turned 17! I can't wait until this bitch is like 22, oh the wisdom that she'll lay on the world then! Via ONTD & ONTD

Joe Francis Weds Traitor To Her Sex

Well... sort of... Joe Francis and on-again, off-again, CBS entertainment reporter girlfriend, Christina McLarty have decided to join together in the holy union of domestic partnership. JoeyFace told Page Six,
We have chosen to have a civil domestic partnership because we don't believe it's appropriate to be married until our gay and lesbian friends are afforded the same rights as us to legally marry in the United States.
For those of you who don't remember, Joe Francis is famous because of a little independent film company he started called Girls Gone Wild. Yeah, he's super sensitive, loves the gays, they should totally have all the same rights as straight people... but when it comes to women its okay to get a barely 18 year-old drunk, throw her in the back of a trailer and talk her into doing obscene acts, make her sign a waiver and then, when she sobers up, tell her that she gave her consent? I'm judging you Joe Francis and so does RadCooks! If you don't know Joe, here's his famous interview with OverLordess Tyra Banks after he got out of jail. He compares himself to Nelson Mandela, yeah because Mandela was arrested for filming underage girls in the nude. Via Dlisted

Katy Perry Better Keep An Eye On Fifi Box

You must all watch the above interview with bad-boy rocker Russell Brand by Fifi Box, who Russell kindly dubbed Jezebel Vagina. The interview started out innocent enough as Ms. Box began asking Russell about his new film, Get Him To The Greek, in which he reprises his hit role as Aldous Snow from Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Soon enough Russell began talking about creampies and ratbags and before you knew it, he had mounted the frightened Aussie interviewer. Here are just a couple quotes from Russell during the motley interview. "Pop yourself down on me knee and let's see if we can't get you pregnant." "When you laugh at that it makes me know what you sound like when you come... and I like it." I don't know what Russell's new fiance Katy Perry will think, but that sounds like flirting to me. Poor Fifi Box was so taken aback by the rocker's outlandish actions she could barely ask him a question without bursting out into orgasmic laughter. Hey Russell, can MissBleecker get an interview? Via ONTD