Tag Archives: married

Interactions With An Anonymous Stranger Who Will Remain Nameless Vol. II

The Cab Driver It was around noon, I'd woken up at 10AM, and despite the two hours that had passed, I was still in my friend's pajama pants. There was no way I was going to put on my black pencil skirt and suede booties on Saturday morning and cab it back to my place. No, I decided to take the classier route and just not get ready at all. So I excited the building, new table I'd found in the garbage in hand and I hailed a cab. The mustard Ford pulled up in front on me, I tossed my furniture inside along with my disheveled, pajamaed form. "Somewhere on Bleecker St." I said, and I looked out the window to see more awake people walking hand in hand on the beautiful October day. My Cabbie was on the phone, speaking some language I couldn't understand. He got off the phone. "How is your day?" He asked. "So far, so good." "Do you have a husband, boyfriend? Oh, god- I thought. "Boyfriend." I lied. "Lucky guy. Where are you from?" "I'm from where you're taking me." "New York City is a crazy place." "Yeah, but I call it home. How about you?" "India." He said. "Have you ever had a fuck buddy? You should take my number." Jesus Christ, are we there yet?- "No, I don't think my boyfriend would really like that." Should I bother to walk it?'- "How long have you been together?" "Uh-" Searching. "About 6 months." "Oh, not so long. You should take my number in case you guys break up." "No man, I think I'm good." We were circling the park, so close. "You know I see it everyday, married couples, they have mistresses. They get bored. You don't think you'll get bored with the same person" Now he wanted to get into a relationship conversation. "Well I don't think it's a problem with boredom, I think it's a matter of finding the right person." "I always get bored." He said without even thinking about my response. "So what, there's no nice Indian girls you want?" I asked. "No," he grinned, "just a fuck buddy." We were pulling up to my block. "Right up here, on the right." I pulled out my credit card. I swiped. I tipped. And with my hand on the door handle, "Well, I hope you find a nice girl so you don't think we're all boring." I opened the car door, lugged my table out and as I turned he chuckled and said, "I'm never going to change." The table was unstable.