COSMO: What I Learned In May 2011

The Rubber-Band Effect So Cosmo decided to recycle an old idea and breath new-ish life into it, with their article on The Rubber-Band Effect a described
"simple phenomenon... the basic idea: Imagine that there's a giant rubber band around you and your guy. Anytime he seems to be getting distant, the best counteractive tactic is to pull away a little yourself. When you do so, you cause that virtual elastic to stretch... and suddenly, he feels the urge to spring back (read: get closer) to you."
This idea was introduced by John Gray PhD in his bestseller, Men are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, (which I haven't exactly been able to get through because I keep wanting to rip out the pages and throw it against the wall because "Dr" Gray is kind of a misogynist prick)... anyway... Cosmo describes how The Rubber-Band Effect can best be used by women who want to manipulate their men into staying in or forming a relationship with said woman. Cosmo describes the different stages in which to use this, um... skill(?) and offers an example scenario; so next time you're at the bar, just starting to date a guy or looking to drag him down the isle, you'll be able to over analyze you're way through it. Shall we? Stage 1: Just Met 5 Minutes Ago The Scenario: You're chatting up a cute guy at the bar, his interest seems to waiver for a second. The Move: Touch his arm or leg and say you've got to get back to your friends then flirt with a bartender. Why It Works: "It's called mate-value economics," says some PhD. "They're biologically programed to find the chase exciting, so he'll be more interested if he has to pursue you after your initial conversation." Stage 2: Dating For A Couple Of Months The Scenario: You're both trying to figure out if you're relationship material. The Move: Plan a fun girls weekend and send him a pext but don't set up a next date. Whit It Works: "This sends the message that you're still interested but you also have your own busy life going on. It's a great reminder that if he wants to be part of it, he needs to be in touch. Otherwise, you may end up leaving him behind." Stage 3: In It For The Long Haul The Scenario: You're always together and nothing seems exciting anymore. The Move: "Mirror his actions." Do whatever it is he's doing to distract himself from you. Right? Get involved in your passion, hey you can't cuddle with it at night but it never leaves you. Why It Works: "As you direct all your attention to other areas of your life, it gives him the opportunity to 'compete' for you again... When it comes to couple time, you want quality, not quantity."

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