COSMO: What I Learned In June 2010

6 Archaic Ways To Trick A Man Into Wanting You Be a Homemaker "We know it sounds 1950s but its turns out, men are craving TLC these days." He's stressed, we know, so Cosmo suggests putting your feelings on the back burner and being his shoulder to not cry on. I mean he listens to you bitch all day, right? So why not give his ear a rest and darn his socks instead! Don't Be Boring Men like to have fun, apparently more than women. Cosmo says, "Men get bored more quickly than women do. 'Their brains produce less dopamine, a neurotransmitter that triggers contentment." So an easy way to remedy their boredom, just do everything they want to do. You'll be learning a lot about their interests and you won't be boring them with the lame-ass stuff you want to do. Be Drop Dead Gorgeous "Men are visual creatures. So it's a no-brainer that looks count. But it's not just important in the beginning of a relationship. Even after you have been coupled up for a while... he really doesn't want to see you in sweatpants..." So basically you should be looking gorgeous 24/7, always wear cute outfits, even to bed apparently and make sure your face is on before he wakes up. Stop Talking About Your Problems After you've mastered being a 50s housewife, who entertains and is picture perfect, remember to not stress him out with your problems, after all, you're not a real person! "A rundown of your girlfriends' emotional lives or even a recap of your frustrating workday is not considered engaging fodder in guy world." Be A Secret Beautician "Guys aren't dumb. They know you pee, wax, put on zit cream... They just don't want to thin about it, much less have you hand them a mental picture." Never let him see you in flannel PJs, tweezing your eyebrows, shaving your pits or bleaching your mustache... and girls don't poop! Seriously, is it not enough women have to do hours of extra beauty regimens, now we have to do it in complete secrecy?! Disassemble the Dog House "Committing doesn't come as easily to guys as it does to women. 'Men are fiercely protective of their independence... so any indication that you're trying to constrain him or make him over is like a gigantic blinking warning sign." What Cosmo is saying is that women are all evil shrews who try to control their men and manipulate arguments to get what they want. Eh... kind of true.

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