COSMO: What I Learned In June 2010

Shocker alert, Pink is one crazy motherfucker! She shocks the interviewer by lighting up a cigarette on the patio of a non-smoking restaurant! iEscandalo! We quickly get a glimpse of Pink's, aka Alecia Beth Moore, wild childhood as a 9 year old smoker/drug dealer/drug user growing up on the outskirts of Philadelphia. I'm sure her therapist will point out that her parents' turbulent relationship resulted in much of her own problems with her on again, off again husband. "Her parents separated when she was 8. 'I grew up listening to my mom tell my dad, 'You're a piece of shit. Get the fuck out!'" It's no wonder Carey Hart, Pink's husband had to sit her down and say to her, "Baby, when you call me names, it hurts my feelings. Please try to stop." [Direct quote] The highlight in this interview on Pink and Hart's (match made in f'ed up heaven) relationship seems to be siding with the fact that they'll be together for a while to come, which might possibly be the case, but given their untraditional past, who the fuck knows?! It all started back in 2000, when they first met, they got married in Costa Rica in 2006, and who do you think proposed? Pink of course, the radical feminist she is, she held up a "Will You Marry Me?" sign at one of Hart's races. Klassy! And then they split up in 2008, Pink wrote an angry song about him and met a new man, but she ultimately came back to Hart in 2009. True love prevails! Though I assume the reconciliation had something to do with the revelation made in the final words of the article, "He has the most perfect penis." Way to keep it real homegirl! Honestly, after having read this interview I have a lot more respect for Pink, we seem to be cut from the same steel wool cloth!

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