ESQUIRE: What I Learned In May 2010

Mad Men's bodacious red-head gives men a few pointers on how to treat the ladies! We Remember Everything Forever - Hendricks' tells Esquire readers to be cautious of what they say to the ladies of their lives, we have minds like a steel trap! Anything you say about us or other women, good or bad, may or may not be used against you in future arguments! Order Scotch - Hendricks' says of the caramel colored beverage, "It's the most impressive drink order. It's classic. It's sexy. Such a rich color. The glass, the smell. It's not watered down with fruit juice. It's Scotch. And you ordered it." Despite the terrible sentence structure IA w. Senorita Hot Pants, scotch is awesome... that's why I order it! Shorts & Tank Tops - No shorts below the knee, she says, I'd like to add, no shorts that show thigh... unless you're asking for it... from another guy. And as for tank tops, don't wear them outside, "a tank top is underwear" says Hendricks. I add, again, no sleeveless shirts will be worn past 1987. Say "Panties" - Big Red likes the infantilized term shouted at her.

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