Tag Archives: Prof.PurplePants

NO MAKEUP WEEK: Day 3 – Saturday

So considering my body has decided to wake itself up today at 2PM, I had a fairly good Saturday night. It all started with my my Saturday afternoon shopping extravaganza. *Ripple* *Ripple* *Fade* *Fade* Shopping With A Purpose I wanted to go to Macy's to get some jeans and decided to walk because yesterday was the prettiest little day ever. So I hobbled my ass up 6th avenue and along the way I stopped in some stores and it was like the heavens opened up and placed carefully constructed items in my path that said, "I am yours, take me home with you!" I bought everything from Fall boots to my Halloween costume (Bearded Lady.) It was like the Universe was rewarding me for not wearing makeup with material wealth! When I got to Macy's the shopping was beginning to take it's toll on me and when I stepped into the classic department store on the ground floor, aka the cosmetics department, I knew I had to get away from it; the perfume girls, the makeup artists, the fluorescent lit mirrors, the free samples, oh god, the free samples! I was like Whitney Houston in a crack den. After avoiding the cosmetics areas like the plague, I went home to relax before the party experiment. Saturday Night Fever I did the bar scene on Friday and so the natural progression of experimentation with my face was to bring it out to a party with people I hadn't seen in a while and some I'd never met before. So I brought my untouched face over to my good friend Prof.PurplePant's place and we set out to embark on what would be a 6AM night. When we got to the party the dim lighting and the beer were giving me a little more confidence. That confidence boost, however, did not prepare me for the male attention I was about to receive. In my weakened state I was hit on, rather cavalierly , by two men. Being that I was not expecting it, it got me thinking. Might it be true when men say they don't care about an unmade face? Could it merely be the lighting? The alcohol? Or perhaps they're just trying to old, Hit-on-Everything-with-Lady-Parts Game. Whatever it is it couldn't possibly be because I actually look okay without a fresh paint job, or at least that's what the magazines tell us. Now I've been hit on in every outfit I have; in a dress, in pants, in sweats, men will always find a reason to hit on a woman. So this experience forced me to ask myself, if I'm not doing this to my face to present my best self when I got out into social scenes, then why am I doing it? Is it just my natural insecurities coming out when there's not a barrier between my face and the world? Or could it be possible that I'm doing it for myself without much care of what other people think?

KATY PERRY: The Ironic Feminist

Katy Perry's been on everyone's radio, television, computer screen and various other implements of technology for a couple years now. As a facet of popular culture Katy isn't granted much nevermind, her music is taken at face value as something to grind up on a stranger to in a crowded club that your friend dragged you to, because she's had a rough week and she really just wants to dance but you really just want to stay in, open a bottle of wine and watch Saturday Night Live even if it's not been that good lately. I digress... What I was saying is that no one really dissects her music because, as it is pop music, most people don't really feel the need to read into it. (Just listen to it, you ear-bud drone!) The first time I heard California Gurls I was like, "Catchy, but not my cup of tea." (I'm a rocker!) And then I saw the video and then I watched it again and something clicked. Katy Perry might not be just another pretty, dumb, pop singer. Maybe she's smart, maybe she's trying to say something... maybe she's a feminist in centerfold clothing! And so I present to you, without further adieu (because there's already been far too much adieu): Katy Perry: The Ironic Feminist! Click the links below to get schooled by MissBleecker and my special guest blogger, Prof.PurplePants! LET'S TAKE A JOURNEY! Introduction: The Ironic Feminist Chapter 1: A Brief History of Katy Perry Chapter 2: Music Video Anthology Chapter 3: In Concert: The 'Hello, Katy' Tour 2009 Chapter 4: Ur So Gay: Tools & The Women Who Love Them Chapter 5: I Kissed A Girl: Every Man's Fantasy Chapter 6: Hot N Cold: The Myth Of The Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Chapter 7: California Gurls: Sugary Sweet & Fake As Tits Chapter 8: Teenage Dream: The Follies Of Youth Chapter 9: Will Cotton's Cover Art by Prof.PurplePants Conclusion: That's What She Said