KATY PERRY: The Ironic Feminist

Chapter 3: In Concert: The Hello, Katy Tour 2009 I saw Katy Perry in concert, last summer at the Hammerstein Ballroom when she was on her Hello, Katy Tour. I went in with mild expectations, I loved Ur So Gay and Waking Up In Vegas had just come out. I hadn't listened to to whole One Of The Boys album, so I wasn't sure what I was in for, except that I was going to see a new pop star with a couple hits under her belt who might or might not turn out to be a has-been (as young, pretty, pop stars turn out to be.) Cobra Starship (who I had never heard of before) opened up the show, I found them slightly annoying. Then they set up the stage for Katy and my impression began to change. It looked like we were in the backyard of a tacky trailer park, which, for anyone who knows me, knows that if there's one thing I love, it's tacky shit! There were giant blow up strawberries, white picket fence, and pink flamingos. Hoisted above the set was a giant pink, neon heart sign. Then she came out, in one of her vargas-inspired get ups and she pumped up the crowd. She had awesome stage presence and obviously fed off the crowd's excitement. As the show progressed I became more and more proud of my little Katy as I saw the little rocker in her come peeking out. She sang one of my favorite Queen songs, Don't Stop Me Now, she played guitar (a pink Hello, Kitty guitar) that she smashed and then threw into the mash pit. As the hours passed the audience knew the concert was coming to a close, but Katy kept going and changed into a purple and pink, leopard cat-suit and surprised the crowd with a visit from 3Oh!3 (I also found them very annoying.) The mash pit was raging and Katy, the rocker that she is, decided that she wanted to crowd surf. When her bodyguard saw what she was about to do he grabbed her and tried to pull her back onto the stage, but she, Kla$$ily unwrapped his arms from her waist and drove, head first, in the pit. She sang as she surfed and eventually got turned upside down, with only her tiny legs kicking in the air. Her bodygaurd pulled her back on stage, Kevin Costner syle, she finished up the set and ended the show. Are u gay?

One thought on “KATY PERRY: The Ironic Feminist”

  1. This is AWESOME. I’ve always thought of Katy Perry as not-your-typical-popstar, even if her songs are pop sound to the nth level. It’s not just because she reminds me of Zooey Deschanel. Just by looking at her, and how she does this sexy-sultry-sex siren image with so much enjoyment, I never even thought for a moment she’s one of those dumb popstars. And yeah, her lyrics speak volumes even with the bubblegummy dancey-tuney melodies.

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