COSMO: What I Learned In May 2010

"This past winter, the Senate proposed a 10% tax on indoor tanning as part of the new health-care plan... and President Obama later included it in his own version of the bill. This "tan tax" is a good thing. For years, Cosmo has warned readers about the effects of indoor tanning, including the news that it causes skin cancer. If this hasn't convinced you to give it up, maybe the hit to your pocketbook will. We won't know if the tan tax becomes a law until later this year. But if you quit, here's what you can get with the cash you save." What You Can Buy After a Week - $36 - A sexy push-up bra - 30 song on iTunes - One spray-tan session What You Can Buy After a Year - $1,900 - Nine pairs of luxe skinny jeans - Wiis for nine friend - A weeklong European vacation

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