Tag Archives: love

COSMO: What I Learned In April 2010

It must be that time of the month again. My monthly subscription has come... to Cosmo I mean. Yes, Cosmopolitan Magazine is the source for all my life decisions. They're brilliant, that's all I have to say; and this month they've delivered a few great gems unto the world. RadCooks is your only source for monthly Cosmo Recaps! Click the links below to be Cosmoed Who is Lady Gaga? - Pg 30-34
Lady Gaga is a slut. She freely admits it in this month's Cosmo featuring her on the cover in her wildest outfit yet... herself.
Birth Control Affects Your Attraction To Men? - Pg 164
Which, basically sums up all of male and female behavior, women aren't baby-hungry and men aren't whores, we're both just trying to prolong our species the best ways we can.
What Exactly Is Female Ejaculation? - Pg 113
Where the liquid comes (pun) from isn't exactly pinned down yet (women are such a mystery) but scientists are suggesting it comes from the female prostate. Yeah guys, we've got one too!
What's The Kivin Method? - Pg 230 Video inside! The iPhone Has A Safe Sexting App? - Pg 174
It's like a condom for your dignity!
You Can Judge A Person Based On Their Beer Choice? - Pg 60
They claim you can tell a lot about a person based solely on their choice of beer.
See full scans below for Gaga's interview & photoshoot!