Joe Francis Weds Traitor To Her Sex

Well... sort of... Joe Francis and on-again, off-again, CBS entertainment reporter girlfriend, Christina McLarty have decided to join together in the holy union of domestic partnership. JoeyFace told Page Six,
We have chosen to have a civil domestic partnership because we don't believe it's appropriate to be married until our gay and lesbian friends are afforded the same rights as us to legally marry in the United States.
For those of you who don't remember, Joe Francis is famous because of a little independent film company he started called Girls Gone Wild. Yeah, he's super sensitive, loves the gays, they should totally have all the same rights as straight people... but when it comes to women its okay to get a barely 18 year-old drunk, throw her in the back of a trailer and talk her into doing obscene acts, make her sign a waiver and then, when she sobers up, tell her that she gave her consent? I'm judging you Joe Francis and so does RadCooks! If you don't know Joe, here's his famous interview with OverLordess Tyra Banks after he got out of jail. He compares himself to Nelson Mandela, yeah because Mandela was arrested for filming underage girls in the nude. Via Dlisted

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