Tag Archives: Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Katy Perry Better Keep An Eye On Fifi Box

You must all watch the above interview with bad-boy rocker Russell Brand by Fifi Box, who Russell kindly dubbed Jezebel Vagina. The interview started out innocent enough as Ms. Box began asking Russell about his new film, Get Him To The Greek, in which he reprises his hit role as Aldous Snow from Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Soon enough Russell began talking about creampies and ratbags and before you knew it, he had mounted the frightened Aussie interviewer. Here are just a couple quotes from Russell during the motley interview. "Pop yourself down on me knee and let's see if we can't get you pregnant." "When you laugh at that it makes me know what you sound like when you come... and I like it." I don't know what Russell's new fiance Katy Perry will think, but that sounds like flirting to me. Poor Fifi Box was so taken aback by the rocker's outlandish actions she could barely ask him a question without bursting out into orgasmic laughter. Hey Russell, can MissBleecker get an interview? Via ONTD