All posts by MissBleecker

Never Mention A Woman’s Weight

Lee Daniels, director of Precious, put his foot in his mouth when accepting Best Film Honors at the NAACP Awards when he made a dumbass remark about the film's star, Gabourey Sidibe.
"No one in Hollywood told me they wanted to see a movie about a 350-pound black girl who had HIV," Daniels blurted out during his acceptance speech, before realizing that he'd possibly embarrassed his full-figured star. Trying to cover up his mistake, the director stuttered at Sidibe and the audience, "She's not 350 pounds. ... Gabby... But the book says. ... " The Oscar-nominated actress grew noticeably upset, shaking her head at the director's comment...
I want to commend Gabby for being so gracious as to accept a dumbass' apology. Not only was she fantastic in the film but incredibly brave for putting herself out there as much as she did. She must have known that when the film opened she would be subject to scrutiny. Gabby put herself under a microscope not only to open the door for African American talent but also for full-figured female actors. Gabby has taken everything in stride, not to mention she's looked fabulous while doing so. Via DailyNews Below is a gallery of Gabby lookin' fly on the red carpet!

VAGAZZLED aka Swarovski Pubes

So a little while back JLove announced that she "Vagazzeled," which I guess is a new thing to do which involves spending a lot of money to glue rhinestones onto your FUPA. Now I know that when I was in middle school me and the homegirls would go to Claire's and buy a little clear sticker thing with rhinestones in the shape of a butterfly or heart or some shit like that and glue it on our arms and it was oh so cool. We didn't really know it was a stripper thing, but this was the early 2000s, back when it was okay to wear roll on body glitter. The jury's still out on whether or not I think Vagazzeling is a good idea or not, but I mean we live in a world where rappers have platinum and diamond encrusted teeth, why not a Swarovski studded snatch? Below is a video of some poor, would-be journalist who is obviously being forced to haver her FUPA Vagazzeled. Not only is she subjected to cover stupid ass stories like this but she actually gets naked on camera. Yup, below is a video of a healthy and attractive, and may I add waxed, female getting her snatch bedazzled. Oh the humanity! Via Dlisted

“David Geffen Is So Vain” Doesn’t Have The Same Ring… Or Mystery

Can we talk about her nipples for a second?
First Deep Throat comes out and now another vintage mystery is finally solved! Who was Carly Simon singing about in her 1972 hit "You're so Vain?" Simon sneakily reveals in her upcoming album that David Geffen, the head of her record label at the time, was just so very vain. Really? David Geffen? Really? With the laundry list of Carly's ex-lovers I was honestly expecting a little more out of homegirl. Apparently you can only hear the name David when you play the reworked song backwards. I'd rather believe the "David" was the devil coming through my MacBook speakers and not Carly admitting she was jealous because Geffen was giving more attention to Joni Mitchell. And so I shall delude myself! Dlisted has the full story. Princess Sophia has prepared a musical snack for you!

“THE RUNAWAYS” REVIEW: Men, You Can’t Stomach This Kind Of Gore

Check out the trailer for The Runaways starring Kristen Stewart & Dakota Fanning. While you're in a video watching mood, check out baby Cherie Currie and baby Joan Jett performing "Cherry Bomb" in Japan circa 1977. Rock on ladies! WARNING: THIS POST CONTAINS SPOILERS. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS, WAIT UNTIL FUCKING MARCH 19 AND PAY $12.50, OR A FEW BUCKS LESS IF YOU LIVE IN NOT NYC (WHICH I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU'D BE READING THIS IF YOU DIDN'T, OR EVEN IF YOU DID FOR THAT MATTER.) Nothing says chick flick like blood... menstrual blood that is. The Runaways opens with a single drop of Scorsese Red blood falling onto the pavement, as the camera moves up a mature Dakota Fanning's leg to reveal the source. Blood streams down her leg from under her mini skirt as she and her sister run to a nearby public restroom, exchange panties, and do the old pad made out of napkins song and dance. Ladies, you know what I'm talking about, men, I'm sorry I ruined the fantasy. Women bleed! Continue reading “THE RUNAWAYS” REVIEW: Men, You Can’t Stomach This Kind Of Gore

My Glob…

In an effort to stop regurgitating while I write my blog, because I despise that word, it (you know what I mean) shall heretofore be referred to as my Glob. It's an anagram. Get it?! Come on people you don't have to be Tom Hanks from "The Da Vinci Code" to figure this shit out!

I Guezz We Know What My Kidz Will Be Reading…

"Spratz" is a literary magazine that teaches children about misogyny, discrimination and how to be a Class-A Feminist! I guess this is some play on those creepy Bratz Dollz. Why does everything nowadays have to end with a "z?" Where was this when I was growing up? All I got was a 3 year old "Hightlights" magazine when I went to play with my shrink's marble maze. Speaking of, was I the only one who went to a shrink solely to play with the toys? Seriously?! My mom never bought me sock-em-bop-em robots or a Barbie Jeep. If you find what I'm saying odd, the baby shrinks might only be a Manhattanite phenomenon. We love to fuck up our kids and pretend to fix them! That being said, I totally plan on having my kids read "Spratz!" They must learn from an early age there's more to a woman than blonde hair and big tits... and it usually involves peroxide and water bras. Ladies, you know what I mean, men, sorry to ruin the fantasy. Via Jezebel

Do You Remembah?! (EWF Reference)

Do you? Do you remember? It doesn't seem like so long ago that I made this (some say epic) failed attempt to reach out to the masses and bestow my anti-knowledge unto the world. Well, I'm back... again. Revamping the wearied Hypothetically Speaking... Blog, which, like one of my favorite TV shows, Freaks and Geeks was brutally snuffed out in it's freshman year, or in this case, entry. And so, as the old saying goes, and as I go because I know a lot of old sayings, out with the old and in with the new. Welcome to Radioactive Cookies or RadCooks as it would now be abbreved. Don't you hate modern laziness?! Please don't try to discern anything from the title, it came to me in a dream, literally, and quite rightly summarizes what you will be reading here. Continue reading Do You Remembah?! (EWF Reference)

THE FRENCH NEW WAVE: Eiffel Tower Meets Menage a Trois

A toothy comedy about shoulder biting.
As some of you may know our fair President has signed his first law, giving equal pay to women! Hooray! As an ardent feminist, in honor of the new law I will dedicate my first blog to feminists all over the world! France has given the USofA many a great thing, the Statue of Liberty, toast, fries, kissing, the menage a trois and most recently, the Eiffel Tower! And no, I'm not talking about that giant erection in the middle of the field of grass... not figuratively at least... I promise I'm going somewhere with this. So what exactly is the difference between a menage et trois and an Eiffel Tower? I'm glad you asked. This question leads me to my hypothetical of the day! Hypothetically speaking, should a hetero male engage in a menage a trois with a female and another hetero male?
Continue reading THE FRENCH NEW WAVE: Eiffel Tower Meets Menage a Trois