Tag Archives: Spratz

I Guezz We Know What My Kidz Will Be Reading…

"Spratz" is a literary magazine that teaches children about misogyny, discrimination and how to be a Class-A Feminist! I guess this is some play on those creepy Bratz Dollz. Why does everything nowadays have to end with a "z?" Where was this when I was growing up? All I got was a 3 year old "Hightlights" magazine when I went to play with my shrink's marble maze. Speaking of, was I the only one who went to a shrink solely to play with the toys? Seriously?! My mom never bought me sock-em-bop-em robots or a Barbie Jeep. If you find what I'm saying odd, the baby shrinks might only be a Manhattanite phenomenon. We love to fuck up our kids and pretend to fix them! That being said, I totally plan on having my kids read "Spratz!" They must learn from an early age there's more to a woman than blonde hair and big tits... and it usually involves peroxide and water bras. Ladies, you know what I mean, men, sorry to ruin the fantasy. Via Jezebel