Tag Archives: Hypotheticall Speaking

Do You Remembah?! (EWF Reference)

Do you? Do you remember? It doesn't seem like so long ago that I made this (some say epic) failed attempt to reach out to the masses and bestow my anti-knowledge unto the world. Well, I'm back... again. Revamping the wearied Hypothetically Speaking... Blog, which, like one of my favorite TV shows, Freaks and Geeks was brutally snuffed out in it's freshman year, or in this case, entry. And so, as the old saying goes, and as I go because I know a lot of old sayings, out with the old and in with the new. Welcome to Radioactive Cookies or RadCooks as it would now be abbreved. Don't you hate modern laziness?! Please don't try to discern anything from the title, it came to me in a dream, literally, and quite rightly summarizes what you will be reading here. Continue reading Do You Remembah?! (EWF Reference)