Tag Archives: virgin

CAN’T BE TAMED: The Story Of Every 17 Year-Old Girl Ever

Miley Cyrus has done it again. First with her controversial Vanity Fair photo shoot and now with the cover art for her latest album titled, Can't Be Tamed. Can't be tamed is right, she's 17! And while the cover might be a little risque, she's fast embarking on adulthood, only paced faster because of her publicized life. She's wearing leather and showing her midriff, could be worse. Considering all the things she could be doing, a la Lindsay Lohan, Miley is as tame as a baby kitten. She's certainly not the lioness her record company wants to make her out to be. Now I'm sure that much like the Vanity Fair cover, this cover art will probably be scrutinized and analyzed but I'd just like you all to remember this. She's 17! "But MissBleecker, she's just 17, how could she?" Um... I don't know, think back to when you were 17 and everything you did. Think about everything you did that wasn't on the cover of an album? We all know teenagers are wild and rebellious and a bit dramatic. I AM NOT DRAMATIC!!! Sure you're not. But in all seriousness, she's a young woman, if the argument is that she's going to be a role model for young women and she's representing a sexualized version of teenaged girls then I say to you, she's 17 and last time I checked most people become sexually active at the age of 16. Sorry parents if you're worried about your kids having sex because of Miley they probably already are. Also, as I seem to recall the Virgin Crew from the late 90s/early 00s didn't do much saving room for Jesus either, if you know what I mean. And look at how they turned out! Not a great example, but you get the picture.

GLEE: Not Like A Virgin Anymore

"OMG The Madonna Episode of Glee!" Is what I would say if I were 16 and living in 1987. This episode is about two great things: sex and women's rights! As you remember, in high school, everyone is a virgin; from the gleeks to the quarterback to the guidance counselor (?). The episode starts out with Rachel and the other ladies of Glee Club bitching about men, as women usually do; how much pressure there is on them, men don't appreciate them, they make less money, men beat them senseless, blah, blah, blah... save it for Oprah! Jesse St. James (aka FBD - Future Baby Daddy) wants to do the deed with Rachel but she's just not ready and so he gets mad and storms out without even taking his Care Bear! Heartless creep! Santana needs a younger man and since Finn is 3 days her junior she decides to activate his V-card. Meanwhile Emma & Will still haven't gotten past over-the-clothes-fondling and she's edging on 40 Year-Old Virgin status. So lets see, that's 3, count them, 1, 2, 3 virgins who decide to pop their cherries in one episode! Isn't there a Madonna song about that?! Just wait until after the commercial break! More on Glee & Kurt Outfit Watch 2010 after the jump! FBD urges you to read on! Continue reading GLEE: Not Like A Virgin Anymore

Why It Sucks To Have A Vagina

In my eternal quest to understand the true difference between men and women, I am devoting 2 posts, that's right not, just 1 but 2 posts to the difficulties associated with each set of genitalia. Since I'm a woman this list will come pretty easily. Here you go, the top 10 reasons why it sucks to be a woman. Why It Sucks To Have A Vagina 1. Menstruation - I've dedicated a lot of words to menstruation, and while it has to be said, I actually like having a period (it is what makes us women after all) it's still a pain in the ass. Cramps, mood swings, bloating all suck. And let's not forget what having a period does to your wallet (tampons are expensive.) 2. We Make Less Money - Statistically speaking we make much less money than men, women aren't given paid maternity leave and in the end we basically have to go to college to get a decent job. FACT: A woman that gets her BA will make the same amount of money as a man with just a HS diploma. 3. We're Not Taken As Seriously - Whether it's is class, with family, amongst friends or at work, a man's opinion, thought and/or ideas are taken more seriously than a woman's. 4. The Virgin/Whore Dichotomy - A lady in the street but a freak in the sheets. A motto I try to live my life by... just kidding. But seriously a woman's sexuality is a very delicate subject. Men and Women, myself included, make snap judgements about other women based on how we think she is sexually. 6 more reasons it sucks to be a chick after the jump! Continue reading Why It Sucks To Have A Vagina