Tag Archives: Miley Cyrus

CAN’T BE TAMED: The Story Of Every 17 Year-Old Girl Ever

Miley Cyrus has done it again. First with her controversial Vanity Fair photo shoot and now with the cover art for her latest album titled, Can't Be Tamed. Can't be tamed is right, she's 17! And while the cover might be a little risque, she's fast embarking on adulthood, only paced faster because of her publicized life. She's wearing leather and showing her midriff, could be worse. Considering all the things she could be doing, a la Lindsay Lohan, Miley is as tame as a baby kitten. She's certainly not the lioness her record company wants to make her out to be. Now I'm sure that much like the Vanity Fair cover, this cover art will probably be scrutinized and analyzed but I'd just like you all to remember this. She's 17! "But MissBleecker, she's just 17, how could she?" Um... I don't know, think back to when you were 17 and everything you did. Think about everything you did that wasn't on the cover of an album? We all know teenagers are wild and rebellious and a bit dramatic. I AM NOT DRAMATIC!!! Sure you're not. But in all seriousness, she's a young woman, if the argument is that she's going to be a role model for young women and she's representing a sexualized version of teenaged girls then I say to you, she's 17 and last time I checked most people become sexually active at the age of 16. Sorry parents if you're worried about your kids having sex because of Miley they probably already are. Also, as I seem to recall the Virgin Crew from the late 90s/early 00s didn't do much saving room for Jesus either, if you know what I mean. And look at how they turned out! Not a great example, but you get the picture.

SEX AND THE CITY Minus “Sex” And “The City”

Charlotte's precocious daughter Lily summarizes the plot for Sex And The City 2, set (randomly) in Abu Dhabi, best "Like Jasmine & Aladdin?" Carrie adding her typical one liner comeback, "Yes sweetie, but with cocktails." From the looks of the trailer this film is going to be more haphazardly put together than it's predecessor. When Carrie remarks on the lack of "sparkle" in her and Big's marriage (they should really see Edward Cullen about that) and then sees him flirting with Penelope Cruz (I'd do her) the obvious response is not to work things out, rekindle the romance or have a Mr. Someone sleep on the couch... no the writer's of SATC know the true way to solve marriage disillusionment... taking your 3 besties to Abu Dhabi! DUH! This film seems to take all the "sex" out of the mix, with hints that (once again) all 4 women have serious problems with their respective relationshits with men. Lets not even go into the fact that "The City", which we'd assume would be New York, is not the noted setting for the film. So let's see Sex And The City minus sex and minus New York... well I'm totally looking forward to seeing a movie called And! Aside from the clear shit-show this movie is going to be. celebs came out in waves to cameo in the film. Only counting the celebs in the trailer we're looking at Penny Cruz (as a homewrecking firecracker [she's not being typecast]), Miley Cyrus (as a Samantha-outfit-copying youngster), Liza Minelli (as the wedding band for Stanford) and... *drum roll please* AIDEN! (Who somehow miraculously winds up in Abu Dhabi!) In all seriousness though, I will be at the midnight screening of And, Cosmopolitan flask in tow! I honestly can't wait to see what they're planning to do with 4 menopausal women for over 2 hrs! Side note: I always thought Carrie should be with Aiden. I know it won't happen but I like the prospect. Mr. Big is such a dick! Below is a gallery of Samantha's crazy ass outfits. Click for gold hammer pants, designer turban type thing, sparkly cut out dress and spikey armor shoulder pads!