Why It Rocks To Have A Vagina

As promised I am delivering my first part of my first two-parter. If you loved Why It Sucks To Have A Vagina you'll moderately like this! 10 Reasons Why It Rocks To Have A Vagina 1. Babies - Freud says women have penis envy, well I say that men have womb envy. Yeah, you men claim to be so grateful that you don't have to deliver babies; but really, deep down inside, you're jealous. We give life unto the world and that rocks! 2. We Live Longer - Hello insurance check! Women generally get another few years on this earth! 3. We're Prettier - Let's face it, there's a reason countless paintings, sculptures, songs and poems have been dedicated to the bodies and faces of women. We're better looking! 4. Better Orgasms! - It's true, women have better orgasms. The clitoris is many times more sensitive than the tip of the penis. Our orgasms aren't only more intense than a man's but we can have different types of orgasms, count 'em, 3 types: clitoral, G-spot, and the newly discovered female prostate! 6 more reasons being a chick is awesome after the jump! 5. Multiple Orgasms! - Yes, I'm making this two separate items because it deserves to be noticed. Guys, you can discharge/recharge, but we don't have to. If we get going just right we can come like a wave! 6. Boobs = Free Stuff - We've all done it, flirted, flashed some cleavage, worn fuck-me shoes to get some swag. There's a reason women don't have to pay to get into clubs and it's because the good club owners know women = money. We can get men to buy us drink after drink without even so much as giving away our digits. 7. We Are Master Manipulators (aka Mental Terrorists) - How often have you flashed your puppy dog eyes, whined or manipulated your way into getting what you want? Women are, as my future baby-daddy Dane Cook (CLICK IT) explains, Brain Ninjas. We know what to say to get what we want and we know how to fuck with your head. 8. We Get To Be Picky - Men, you have to deal with rejection, it sucks. Women, on the other hand, we get to be picky about our mates (up to a certain point of course.) If we don't like you we have no qualms about throwing you back. 9. Personal Style - While men tend to uniform themselves, with jerseys, same old pair of jeans and t-shirt and more formally with suits and tuxes, a woman is pushed to flaunt her personality through her own style. We know that variety is the spice of life and you can usually tell how we're feeling by how we look that day. 10. Girly Shit - It's awesome to be a woman because every now and then we get to be girls! We get to have manis and pedis and facials and drink fruity drinks and go shopping and have slumber parties and braid each others' hair and have pillow fights and teach each other how to french kiss... oh my, have I said too much? Well, there you have it. Being a chick rocks! If you enjoyed this check out Why It Rocks To Have A Penis. Take it away Shania!

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