Tag Archives: boobs

Why It Rocks To Have A Vagina

As promised I am delivering my first part of my first two-parter. If you loved Why It Sucks To Have A Vagina you'll moderately like this! 10 Reasons Why It Rocks To Have A Vagina 1. Babies - Freud says women have penis envy, well I say that men have womb envy. Yeah, you men claim to be so grateful that you don't have to deliver babies; but really, deep down inside, you're jealous. We give life unto the world and that rocks! 2. We Live Longer - Hello insurance check! Women generally get another few years on this earth! 3. We're Prettier - Let's face it, there's a reason countless paintings, sculptures, songs and poems have been dedicated to the bodies and faces of women. We're better looking! 4. Better Orgasms! - It's true, women have better orgasms. The clitoris is many times more sensitive than the tip of the penis. Our orgasms aren't only more intense than a man's but we can have different types of orgasms, count 'em, 3 types: clitoral, G-spot, and the newly discovered female prostate! 6 more reasons being a chick is awesome after the jump! Continue reading Why It Rocks To Have A Vagina