Tag Archives: whorestume

MissBleecker’s Guide To Halloween Costumes

Happy Holidays Everyone! Halloween marks the beginning of a long line of Judeo-Christian-National Holidays to come! Ah yes, tis the season, the season of Fall, when here in the Northeast, the leaves start to change, the weather gets nippier and you're allowed to layer because of all the winter weight you'll be packing on! Yes, I am indeed falling in love with Fall this year and Halloween is just the cherry on my end-of-summer sundae. So You Wanna Play Dress Up? Ask me why, Halloween is my favorite day of the year! Okay, okay, I'll tell you! Well as most of you bitches know, I'm tipping the scales of sanity, so Halloween is the one day of the year that I can go into the crazy room, let my freak flag fly and simultaneously party with Jesus, Michael Jackson and the Ninja Turtles! For New York especially, Halloween is the one night of the year when all rules are off, and in a time when there are no rules, how are we to know what to do? Well my dearies, that's why I've created this guide. No one is more learned with Halloween than I, so breathe easy, you're in experienced hands! Whorestumes Wittystumes Co$tumes Groupstumes & Couplestumes The NO List (Don't Say I Didn't Warn You) This post is brought to you by The Bed Intruder Costume (I'm sure we'll be seeing a few Antoine Dodsons on the 31st.)