MissBleecker’s Guide To Halloween Costumes

Co$tumes Now there will be some of you who get REALLY into Halloween and pull out all the stops and for you, I salute you, I wish to one day share in the sweet joy that is a Co$tume. What is a Co$tume? Well, as the name implies it's expensive, it's elaborate, but it's awesome and it always wins contests. You see them in the parades, at parties, you don't see them just roaming the streets looking for falafel at 3AM. No, bitches who wear Co$tumes are going somewhere. You really can't go wrong with a good Co$tume, even if you're going as something off The NO List, a Co$tume is your get out of jail free card. I repeat, the only acceptable form of NO List outfit is if it looks fucking good. I was in Abracadabra the other day beard shopping and they were painting a woman's body to look like one of those thingies from Avatar. Now despite my complete and utter hatred for all things Blue (thanks James Cameron) she looked really fucking good, and why? Because it was expensive. Now I wanted to tell her she was a week and a half early but I'm just assuming it was a makeup test or just another Friday night in with her boo. Now with a Co$tume you don't have to invest all your money, but you need to know where you're money is going. If you spend money on any of the following, you're on your way. Hair: Whether you're buying a wig (not the packaged kind, the ones on mannequin heads), commissioning a do or adding some facial growth, hair is the one thing you can fake well. You can also fake it terribly, which is why if you're going to doing anything from another era or you're going to cross-dress, you need to invest in yourself. You're the only one who will suffer from the pain of finding violet strands on your clothes in January. Makeup: Special effects makeup. I've been wanting to go as a gruesome zombie for a couple years but I've never had the means to make it look good, and I'm not just talking about a little loose flesh and corn syrup. If you're going scary (which is great, it's a classic that people don't really do anymore) then please take 20 minutes to watch the Ben Nye informational DVD, it'll teach you everything you need to know. Wardrobe: Anything from another era is going to require some money but Colonial gowns are gorgeous and timeless. (Also available at Abracadabra!) Where To Shop: Anywhere that sells Ben Nye, this you can go to Ricky's for. Just don't bother with any other kind of special effects makeup, they suck. And if you're using Spirit Gum, buy the fucking remover, you're going to need it. You can also get your makeup done at Abracadabra. Abracadabra is really just the best Halloween store of all time, they've got a catalog of great costumes for rent, a wig shop, makeup tutorials and any kind of decoration you'd ever need. And unlike all those fucking Ricky's, it doesn't just pop up two weeks into October to steal all your money, it's open year round!

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