Tag Archives: surgery

You’re All A Bunch Of Perverts

To My Loyal & Deranged Readers, I'd just like to take a post to explain why I always address you, my dear readers, as loyal and deranged. Well the first one is kind of obvious, you are all very loyal; however little I write, however ill thought out it is, however I bash you, you always come back for more and in increasing quantities. Which brings me to my next, you're all a bunch of filthy perverts, and I guess you all have friends (which would account for the traffic.) Now I know that my glob might not be the most PC or PG for that matter, but some of the things that you guys find interesting intrigues me. Here at WordPress we globbers get to review the search engine words that lead the viewer to our globs, and I'll tell you, some of that shit cracks me up. And so I'm compiling a list (duh.) Here are the top 10 weirdo searches that brought you to RadCooks! Enjoy your eccentricities! 10. Vagazzled Pictures 9. Completely Bare, Stippers Spa Club 8. Full Figured Cougar 7. Julie Bowen Nipples 6. Carnie Wilson Nude 5. Map To The Clit 4. Hot Mother And Baby 3. Human Centipede Surgery Explained 2. Centipeding 1. Stripper With Money Glued On So basically you're all a bunch of chubby chasing, MILF fondling, cougar loving, clitoris searching, stripper vagazzeling, human centipeding (?) crazypants! And I love you all! Side Note: Here's the crazy thing, all those searches brought you here, brought us together! Rainbows + Sunshine, <3 MissBleecker UPDATE: A new search engine phrase popped up on my Dashboard today, I think it's the best one yet: "why do gays like liza minnelli and babar." Why indeed?!


So recently there's been a spike in my Human Centipede post from a while back. I saw the movie this week, twice (don't ask me why twice) and am now fully equipped to give it the once over that I know all you sickos out there have been waiting for. Here is my review for The Human Centipede... may god help your soul. WARNING: THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS SO IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE MOVIE YET AND YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS THEN DO NOT READ ON. IF YOU DO WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS THEN BE PREPARED FOR SOME PRETTY BAD GRAPHICOSITY. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. ABANDON ALL HOPE, YE WHO ENTER HERE. Continue reading THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE Review