Tag Archives: queen

Why It Sucks To Be Gay

Who wants to experience the most pure form of love as suggested by some ancient Greek guys?! 1. HIV Scapegoat - It's sad but true, when HIV came out a lot of people blamed homosexual men. However, gay men have rallied together and are one of the biggest proponents of condoms. Statistics don't lie (they do but we'll get into that another day) gay men are winning the fight against AIDS! 2. Adoption - We all love to tune into Modern Family to watch Cam and Mitchell raising they're little "potsticker." (Side note: I did not make up that joke, it's a line from the show, and I am aware that it is semi-racist.) However, it's not always that simple. It's super hard for gay men to become fathers. 3. Social Acceptance - Gay men are definitely loved in some aspects, however a lot of society has a slanted/stereotypical view on them. That they're accessories or tokens in society is not (at least not all the time) true! 4 more reasons it sucks to love the cock after the jump! Continue reading Why It Sucks To Be Gay

35 GAY ICONS: Friends Of Dorothy

They say behind every fabulous straight woman is her fabulous gay best friend. Gay men have loved beautiful, flamboyant women since the dawn of time; Cleopatra's fabulousness is proof of this! Yes, it's true, there is a strange co-dependent relationship between gay men and straight women. However, that bond is so strong not even the tests of time can break it. Here's a look at all the fabulous women that inspired and were inspired by fabulous gay men. Follow The Yellow Brick Road For 35 Fierce Bitches! Continue reading 35 GAY ICONS: Friends Of Dorothy