Where In The World Is MissBleecker?!

To My Loyal & Deranged Readers, Where in the world is MissBleecker?! I'm sure that over the past few weeks this question has not only plagued your thoughts but tormented your dreams and perhaps even made you a little suspicious that I've been off gallivanting and writing for someone other than you. Well if that's what you thought, then you'd be correct. Dearest readers the search is over as MissBleecker's alter-ego (the regular one, BORING) has found a job. It's true, the Kla$$ier part of my mind is getting paid for legitimate work in the entertainment industry, and yes there's a bit of keyboard fingering involved. But back to the goods... I would apologize for not writing, but as I don't get paid for this (yet, *wink* *wink* advertisers!) I am not sorry! In all seriousness though, I want to do my best to bring my pre and post-grad lives together and keep you all informed and entertained with (mostly, but sometimes not) mindless bites. So what can you, the reader come to expect from the new RadCooks? Well for one, there are going to be less posts. Sorry but I am no longer spending my days in my PJs lying on a futon (as attractive that idea is, it's not really a sustainable lifestyle.) Ah, but don't fret my little babies, you'll still get the same bites, Cosmo recaps and snarky commentary as before. What's even better is I'm going to try (emphasis on TRY) to up the quality of my original posts, starting with a Retrospective on Katy Perry! Exciting! Look for that one this weekend. So sit on your mittens and hold on like hell (I don't know what that means) because RadCooks is going through some changes. I hope to keep you all along for the ride. Keep commenting, keep sharing posts and for God's sake will you bitches throw me some ideas? My brain is starting to hurt! Rainbows + Sunshine, <3 MissBleecker

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