Tag Archives: military

US TROOPS IN AFGHANISTAN REMAKE “TELEPHONE”: Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy Remains Intact

I'm glad to see the military got rid of all the gays! The above video was posted last week, I'm assuming when there was a lull in the war. But seriously, this is probably one of the first times I'm really proud of our boys overseas. They put their free time to good use. They could be watching porn on VHS and circle jerking, but instead they chose to remake the best music video of the year; complete with choreographed dance routines, costumes, back flips and homoerotic imagery! What could be more patriotic?! I really feel that if our soldiers went out into the streets of Afghanistan and just danced it out, the world would be a much more beautiful place! That's it! When I become the first Female President of the United States I'm going to replace military troops with dance crews! Spreading freedom one Harlem Shake at a time! Via Dlisted