Tag Archives: chivalry

FOR MEN ONLY: Free Ways To Get Laid

They say we live in a world where chivalry has died, I say to they that chivalry is not dead... it's just in hibernation. We all want to be equal and as I see it, chivalry is a sort of cultural reparations for all the extra shit women have to deal with/pay for that men don't. I know, I know, it's tough to be a guy, the grass is always greener, whatever old saying you want to use, I know it's not easy being a man. As a woman, and an overall liker (I would have said lover but... you know) of men I want to help you get what you want... sex. Let's face it, in this economy it's tough to be in a relationship, it's even harder at the beginning of a relationship when a guy is expected to pay for every/most things. Those first few dates are clutch; we women know you guys are looking to score and, whether we like to admit it or not, we're testing you. The disconnect happens when a guy thinks he has to do big things to impress a woman. Here's a secret, we women (and when I say we women, I'm speaking on behalf of all Klassy women, because let's face it, you can't turn a whore into a housewife)... anyway, we women care more about small gestures that can mean a lot than big gestures that don't have any thought behind them. If you follow these guidelines, guaranteed*, you will make a big impression on that special lady of yours... which might make her a little easier. Just saying. Side note: Guarantee only applies to Klassy ladies, ie those who aren't going out with you because she feels bad for you, has nothing else to do, you wore her down and/or you're paying for her meal. Things A Man Can Do To Get A Girl To Sleep With Him - Recession Style 15 helpful hints after the jump! Continue reading FOR MEN ONLY: Free Ways To Get Laid