Tag Archives: Alejandro

The Lady & The Countess

Countess Luann deLesseps of The Real Housewives of New York City, who recently released her sea witch Ursula voice onto the world is looking to push her singing career to the limit.
... she's working on a second single called "Chic C'est La Vie" and hoping to eventually record an album. And she already knows which artist she'd love to collaborate with... "It'd be fun to do something with [Lady] Gaga," she said. "The Lady and the Countess!"
I'm sure when Lady Gaga gets a load of all the fairies in the Countess' Money Can't Buy You Class music video she'll be dying to throw them in some fishnets, corsets and heels and call it a day... oh wait, she already made the Alejandro video. Oh well, here's to beautiful male models of the world who only get to dream of collaborating with one, if not both, of these drag divas! Via ONTD

This Is The Shit I Come Back To?!

It seems that in my absence Lady Gaga has made a new music video for her shitty Alejandro song. I'll have to do a bit of research on the meaning behind watching Lady Gaga give it to some hulked out fairies in high heels and corsets, but I'm sure there's some feminism in there... In the meantime, enjoy the video (all 9 minutes of it) and relish in the fact that I'm back and in business! PS Whoever is flooding my comment inbox with spam stop it or I will be forced to hijack your mind and have you to sing show tunes... I am the ultimate mental terrorist!