It Must Be That Time Of The Month…

Intent published an article last week about PMS and how it's really great for women because it gives us a chance to turn inward and explore our emotional spectrum. And then Jezebel got a hold of the article and tore it a new one.
Actually, what makes me "sad, anxious, and angry" is not my PMS. It's this article, which suggests that normal women even have the option to "resist their natural hormonal cycle." As if that's possible without some sort of outside assistance? The only ammo I have against my natural hormonal cycle is a pack of birth-control pills and a crazy-pill cocktail. And even then, I can't guarantee I'm not going to be a sobby bitch for at least half a day. (Alternately, I can't guarantee I'm not not going to be a sobby bitch at any other point during the month.)
I don't find either of these articles incredibly eye opening. All women, who bleed, have experienced PMS for it's bad, ie bloating, bitchiness, tearfulness, eat-everything-in-the-house-syndrome, and CRAMPS. We often forget the great things about PMS ie period boobs and the fact that you are not pregnant! Regardless of these articles, I'm honestly pretty fucking tired of men, not the dumb ones in films and TV, but men in real life asking the stupidest question of life, "Oh is it that time of the month?" Because it is either (a) that time of the month, and if it is you've just said something that's going to really fucking piss her off, or the more likely (b) not that time of the month and you've basically just invalidated her feelings. Men, you know how every time your team looses and you get really irritable and sad? What if we were to turn around and say, "Oh god, you fucking pussy, man up, it's a fucking game!" You probably would be upset that we invalidated your feelings, and if you were subject to monthly hormonal tide of overwhelmance it would probably make you cry! So, please, I beg you... DON'T FUCKING HURT WOMEN'S FEELINGS BY BEING COMPLETE AND UTTER TOOLS! IF YOU DO I WILL FUCKING HUNT YOU DOWN AND CUT YOUR BALLS OFF! And I'm not just yelling because I'm on my period. Now have a nice day!

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