Tag Archives: Utah

MISCARRIAGE = HOMICIDE: Utah Makes Militant Right-To-Lifers Look Like Gentle Kittens

Utah proposed a law to criminalize miscarriage. SRSLY?!
State Rep. Carl Wimmer, says he'll take out the provision making a woman's "reckless act" inducing miscarriage eligible for homicide prosecution. This is the part of the bill that could've sentenced women to life in prison for falling down the stairs, drinking alcohol, or staying in an abusive relationship. Unfortunately, Wimmer plans to leave in language that criminalizes a woman's "intentional" act to induce miscarriage — meaning some miscarriages and/or illegal abortions could still open up a woman to homicide charges. All this is in response to a 17-year-old girl who paid someone to beat her into miscarrying — the solution to which, clearly, is to throw her in jail. It apparently hasn't crossed the legislators' minds that improving access to safe, legal abortions — by, for instance, removing Utah's parental-notification law — might prevent girls and women from resorting to such horrific tactics. Or, more likely, Utah still cares more about controlling women than about helping them.
I concur with Jezebel. This is just poor lawmaking. Maybe instead of adding useless laws, these so-called lawmakers should enforce/revise currents laws. How many times can I saw law? LAW, LAW, LAW! Apparently a lot. I get that fetal alcohol syndrome does exist but the conspiracy theorist inside of me makes me wonder if it's really all just a little bit of bullshit? I mean, come one, our grandmothers drank and smoked during their pregnancies and the Baby Boomers are like the best generation ever. I'm not saying all us ladies should drink and smoke when we get preggers, but we live in a world of hypochondriacs and disease mongers. With that said, when I am with child, I will lay in bed, not move and have my husband bring me everything I want, for fear of harming my precious spawn. And honestly, I can probably give up my vices for the better part of a year, I just don't know how I'm going to give up sushi. That shit is addictive and packed with protein... and yummy, yummy mercury! Besides, Nova Schin makes non-alcoholic beer for pregnant women. Because, let's face it, there's nothing more satisfying, then coming home after a long day of carrying your giant ass belly around, with creepy ass people touching you, kicking your feet up and opening up a brewski. SRSLY though, I would never fucking drink non-alcoholic beer, that's just plain blasphemy! On a slightly related note, and to take some of the, you're-an-evil-baby-killer heat off me, here's my future baby-daddy, Stephen Lynch, singing a wonderful little diddy. This one goes out to the ladies!