Tag Archives: U by Kotex

HBIC Khloe Kardashian Breaks Vaginal Wall

I recently globbed about the new feminine product line called U by Kotex. Well, not only are they breaking the social stigma by opening the conversation on vaginal health but now they have the HBIC herself, Khloe Kardashian among their ranks. Khloe is running the gambit of press circles between an informational video and a literal breaking of a wall containing euphemisms and words meant to hold women back... like Vajayjay (I never liked that word!) Damn you Grey's Anatomy for brining it into popular use! Here's Oprah and her Vajayjay. And a gallery of KK smashing it up! Via BWE

KOTEX & MOTHER NATURE: Opening The Conversation On Vaginal Health

So I'm feeling fatigued and I go home for lunch, kick up my feet and turn on the TV. (Side note: Daytime television is fantastic because it's completely mindless and thus a perfect remedy for fatigue.) In the middle of Access Hollywood or The Insider (or some other variation) this fabulous commercial came on about tampons, periods and advertising, oh my! Kotex is launching a new line of feminine products designed for women who are annoyed by getting their periods but would still like their tampons to be pretty (AKA every woman!) So I did as the good advertisers told me and I went to the website for more information.
In a recent survey, 70% of women said they wish society would change the way it talks about vaginal health, but less than half feel like they can do anything about it. U by Kotex* brand wants to help women change the conversation about periods and vaginal care. By bringing it out into the open, we hope that every woman will learn to think differently, talk openly, take charge, help Break the Cycle* and begin to feel comfortable with her body and confident about her personal care.
Kotex, I'd like to personally thank you for trying to open up the conversation about menstruation. As you frequent readers of my glob know, I am pretty open about talking about perioding, however, there are many people in the world who are not. A period is a natural, yet annoying, part of life. So thank you Kotex, for trying to represent vaginal health... even if this is really all just to make a buck. And I must admit those tampons do look very pretty, but I'm going to stick with my Tampax Compak Pearl Tampons... variety pack... unscented! Product placement, what?! Visit U by Kotex for more information!