Tag Archives: mother

GLEE: I Was Right And You Were Wrong!!!

I WAS RIGHT! Yes, I love saying that, and I love gloating about being right even more than actually being right! On the most recent episode of Glee we find out that Shelby is Rachel's bio-mom. She was paid by Rachel's dads to be the surrogate/egg lady so she could live in New York for two years to realize her dream of becoming a STAR! Who said that, I don't remember? Maybe this might jog your memory, from my GLEE aka Burnt Filet Mignon post from April 14, 2010 posted at 1:01 PM EST, I quote myself,
When I first saw Glee I was like, “Fuck, Rachel looks exactly like Idina Menzel, they should have her come on the show as her mother.” I know what you’re saying, Rachel has 2 dads (and even though one of them is black, we still don’t know who the father is. Side note: Maury should totes be a guest star!) how could Shelby be her mother? Well… I have a theory that we’re going to find out she’s her bio-mom and she gave her up/helped a gay sista out to help her singingness, which Rachel obviously inherited! AH HA! I’ve solved it! Also she says she’s made out with gays before. Anyway, that’s my babymamadrama theory. I doubt I’m right, but if I am I need to gloat and this is proof that I would be right, if in the future I am right. Right?!
Nah-nah-nah-na-boo-boo! Suck it bitches! Side note: I'm such a gracious winner! Another side note: So I know I've been doing Glee recaps for every episode since the second half of the season started, but these past three episodes came at a time of complete unrest in my life... now that my life is not so much at rest but hanging out in the realm of unemployment I'll be switching it up to Glee Updates, like this one. They'll be small tidbits of info, unless there's a super-duper episode, ie the Lady Gaga ep airing next week! Excited!