Tag Archives: fembot

Rihanna’s S&M Music Video & The Futuristic Feminist

Rihanna's music video for S&M hit the web today, and I have to say, for someone, who's not a huge RiRi fan, I am really diggin' this jam. And by dig I mean I've already watched the video at least a dozen times, hoping that the replays of the kinktastic video wouldn't deter my coworkers from being my friends! This video is hot, it was shot by Melina Matsoukas, who also directed Rihanna's Rude Boy video. This chorus just melts me,
Cause I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it Sticks and stones may break my bones But chains and whips excite me
The music video depicts Rihanna, in all sorts of colorful getups, involved in a sadomasochistic relationship with the media. And as in any good S&M relationship, the couple that is Rihanna and the media hounds switch up the role play; in one scene, Rihanna is bound in cellophane at a press conference, in the next she's taking her gagged pet, blogger Perez Hilton, out for a walk. In an interview with MTV's Sway, Rihanna talks about her the song and says it's not about sex, it's a metaphor. From the looks of her video I'm assuming she's calling the relationship between celebrity and media sadomasochistic. She describes the song as rebellious, in-your-face, and unapologetic, and that is exactly how I would describe The Futuristic Feminist. [vodpod id=Video.5484919&w=425&h=350&fv=] What is the Futuristic Feminist? I'm glad you asked! The Futuristic Feminist, is a a trend, a new wave of female artist (mostly scene in popular music) that is overly sexual, ostentatious, witty, shocking and statement making. We've seen this trend is several female artists; Lady Gaga is probably the most direct in her approach, Nicki Minaj introduced the Hip Hop community into the future, Christina Aguilera tried to with Bionic (but she's too old), even Ke$ha (with her We R Who We R music video) and Katy Perry (with her California Gurls style) have dabbled in Futuristic Feminism. As we continue along the path of technology = life, we see this idea reflected in the styling of popular artists. We believe we are in the future, so the Futuristic Feminist styles herself as she would envision her futuristic form. Part feminist, part robot, she uses her sexuality as a means to gain attention for her cause; she is the literal definition of a Fembot. No doubt, this trend will continue, and I'm not going to talk about who started it (I know all the Little Monsters out there will swear it was Lady Gaga) but there were innovative female artists before her and there will be innovative female artists after her. The important thing is that these female artists will continue to try and one-up one another, which is really just a great thing for everybody. The drooling sperm-producers of the world will get to stare with open mouths and trousers at the hotness that is the Futuristic Feminist, and she'll get to subtly implant her message across the globe! I love it when we're sneaky! This video is so gorgeous, of course it would have it's own gallery!