10 Cliché Things You Must Do On St. Patrick’s Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Today RadCooks is celebrating 1 of the top 5 drinking holidays by going green (and I don't mean in the eco way.) RadCooks will be covered in clovers for today only, so you should all be grateful that I'm giving your eyes a rest from my previous background. This time last year I was celebrating my 25% Irish heritage by waking up at noon, feasting on bounteous Chipotle and beginning my Irish Car Bombing promptly at 3pm. This year I woke up at 7am, went running on the Hudson river and won't begin my drinking until a ridiculously late hour of 8pm. Oh how times change! Oh well... here's my list of 10 Cliché Things To Do On St. Patrick's Day! 1. Start drinking before noon and only drink: Guinness and/or any green beer, Jameson (or other Irish whiskey), Irish Car Bombs, Irish coffee, or fermented potato water (I believe they call it vodka.) 2. Get into a bar fight and then buy your foe a pint. 3. Eat corned beef, cabbage and potatoes. 4. Go to the St. Patrick's Day Parade in NYC (but only if you're so far gone that you don't actually know you're at the St. Patrick's Day Parade.) 5. Call someone out for celebrating YOUR holiday because THEY are NOT Irish (even if you might not exactly be Irish either.) 6. Make out with a hot Irishman or Irishlady. 7. Wear green... and lots of it. 8. Eat Lucky Charms for breakfast. 9. Go into your nearest pet shop and free as many snakes as possible. 10. Play a drinking game to "Leprechaun", every time Jenny Aniston falls in a patch of clovers take a shot. And here's to the town that will surely be covered in green piss by the morning! [vodpod id=Video.5784253&w=425&h=350&fv=]

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