WEEKEND PURGE: True Blood Wedding, Ground Zero Mosque & The Expendables!!!

Muslim Miss USA Says No Ground Zero Mosque Sun, Aug 22 Joy to the world, a beauty queen with a brain! Rima Fakih, the first Muslim Miss USA, has spoken out about the proposed Park51 aka The Cordoba House aka the Ground Zero Mosque,
I totally agree with President Obama with the statement on Constitutional rights of freedom of religion. I also agree that it shouldn't be so close to the World Trade Center. We should be more concerned with the tragedy than religion.
It was proposed to build a Mosque in lower Manhattan by Ground Zero. The proposal was met with much controversy and many mixed feelings. As a native New Yorker and someone who lived through 9/11, I don't even know how I feel about the proposal. However, I do know that no matter how many people would be okay with it, this is a very sensitive issue and needs to be handled with finesse and caring. I don't believe anyone, except for the hijackers and their co-conspirators, should be held accountable, but it must be said that this is not the case for everyone. I feel that if this Mosque was built it would be making a statement, regardless of the statement, people will put their own interpretations and prejudices into it. Sometimes we need to pick our battles and I believe this would be asking for a fight. The beauty queen is right, we need to be more concerned with the tragedy than religion. PS Apparently you can follow Park51 on Twitter. Um...? Via ONTD

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