Victoria’s Secret Presents: SLUTOWEEN

Victoria's Secret announced that, beginning this fall, they will be branching out from skanky overpriced lingerie and 90s style catalogue collections and will now be selling sexy Halloween costumes! Playboy and Leg Avenue are at the forefront of slutty, overpriced, cheaply made outfits but with Vicky's now joining the ranks we're looking at a revolution in whorestumes. Just personally speaking now, because you know I normally like to keep my opinions to myself (not), but as Halloween is my favorite day of the year (yes more than Christmas and more than my birthday combined) I am deeply offended by the whole "sexy costume" business. First of all most of the women (or pre-pubescent girls) who wear the slut-numbers are actually not very sexy. And since theses so-called costumes are made on the model of a Playboy centerfold and with the blood/sweat/tears of poor Filipino children they are generally not flattering on most, if not all, body types. Now I've always been one to make my costumes and I generally prefer the witty costumes approach (when I was 16 I went to school dressed as a pregnant prom queen. Needless to say, it was a big hit.) But who knows, maybe Vicky's Secret will churn out a little higher quality, if not Klass, of "costumes." I actually was thinking of going as something sexy this year... like a sexy bearded lady. That's witty right? Via ONTD

3 thoughts on “Victoria’s Secret Presents: SLUTOWEEN”

  1. Witty? Hell no. That’s downright HOWLarious! My mind is broiling with possibilities for using your “whorestumes” term in a joke. 😆

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