Tag Archives: sexual preference

Drugging Pregnant Women To Prevent Lesbian Babies

Well they'll do anything to keep a sista down these days. Jezebel posted a very interesting little article about MDs who are dosing their pregnant patients with a new hormone, dexamenthasone, to prevent ambiguous genitalia, but more importantly, homosexuality in baby girls.
Some scientists think the hormone dexamethasone, if administered prenatally, might prevent ambiguous genitalia in babies. But according to a report by Alice Dreger and colleagues at Bioethics Forum (via Strollerderby and Slog), says pediatric endocrinologist Maria New is "suggesting that prenatal dex also might prevent affected girls from turning out to be homosexual or bisexual."
The debate on when and where sexual preference is developed is still raging; in utero or out and in the DNA or through a personal preference developed with maturity. However tampering too much with genetics in utero by dosing pregnant women with strong-ass hormones is well regarded as not the smartest or safest idea. Call me crazy but why do we have to continuously try to genetically tamper with our babies? Having a baby is like opening a Kinder Surprise; you buy one knowing that you're getting chocolate with possibly a sweet-ass or shitty surprise inside, you don't get to pick and choose, it takes all the fun out of it! This is just one step close to the World being a little New and a little Brave. If we as parents and future parents are able to genetically define our children's' traits and characteristics, where does it end? Variety is the spice of life, I certainly don't want to see beautiful blonde, blue-eyed drones walking around like it's the norm... then I won't be special anymore... and let's face it, it's all about me and my beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes! Via Jezebel