Tag Archives: misscariage

Lily Allen Drops C-Bomb, Remains Kla$$y While Doing So

Don't mess.
Well isn't Katie Nicholl's face red?! The Daily Mail writer (and I use this term loosely) put the adorable yet temperamental singer Lily Allen in a tissy when she wrote an article entitled A New Year wedding to ease Lily Allen's baby grief. Firstly, what's with the lack of capitalization in the title? Hello, writing 101! Secondly, I guess this was completely false because Lilly Allen politely corrected Katie on her Twitter.
Katie Nicholl you're a lying cunt, leave me out of your shitty column, you know nothing. I'm sorry, but there's a time and a place for disrespectful, badly researched or just made up journalism. It's not now Katie Nicholl.
After some apparent strong arming from the alleged "writer," Lily Allen withdrew her previous statement, which was Tweeted in anger, and issued a more thought out one.
Kati Nichol has been in touch and has threatened to consult her lawyer if i don't take that tweet down. She thinks it was too heavy handed. so i'll amend it. Katie Nicholl I THINK you're a cunt, leave me out of your shitty column, you know nothing about the intimate details of my life. theres a time and a place for your musings where i'm concerned, and it's not now.
You go girl! Via Dlisted