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Breaking Bad gives us another extremely cold open as we see the coolest kid you will never be dirt biking through the desert and then befriending a cuddly tarantula. Opening Credits! Who is this kid? I don't know, but I'm guessing he's going to be revisited somewhere this episode. Walt pays Hank a visit at his new fancy boss man office and breaks down about Skyler. Hank, being an uncomfortable straight man around other straight man tears, leaves. Giving Walt the opportunity to plant a bug in Hank's office. What is he going to use that for I wonder? Continue reading BREAKING BAD 5.5 Recap


Breaking Bad opened this week with the fabulous and newly fortified Prius returning to Walt, along with his increddible headwear. The return of Heisenberg's hat prompted a lot of rash behavior this week. For example, when Walt got his run-over-a-witness-mobile fixed for free he went around and sold it to the mechanic for $50! Afterall, the only reason Walt got the damn thing fixed anyway was so he could look at his awesome hat in the driver's side mirror. Continue reading BREAKING BAD 5.4 Recap