Tag Archives: Jose Saragamo

JESUS COVERS PLAYBOY: That’s Not Offensive

The always Kla$$y Hugh Hefner and associates have gotten their crotchless panties in a twist over the Playboy Portugal cover. The Daily Mail describes the pictures featured in the magazine,
The pictures show a long-haired, glowing Jesus watching two models in a lesbian clinch, standing next to a prostitute and looking over the shoulder of a woman reading a book... The spread was ostensibly a tribute to Nobel Prize-winning author Jose Saramago’s The Gospel According to Jesus Christ, but Hugh Hefner’s headquarters have reacted with outrage.
Theresa Hennessy, Playboy Enterprises vice president of public relations (aka Lady-in-Waiting when shit hits the fan) said of the cover,
It is a shocking breach of our standards and we would have not allowed it to be published if we had seen it in advance. We are in the process of terminating our agreement with the Portuguese publisher.
That's so not fair! Poor little Portuguese boys won't be able to drool over airbrushed, waxed and ostensibly plastic "women" anymore just because some editor wanted to be the Lady Gaga of adult print entertainment! What-ever! Supposedly Jose Saragamo, who the photos pay homage to, wanted to depict Jesus as a human being, flaws and all. As a C&E Catholic I don't find this offensive, in fact it's probably one of the most, if not only, provocative and intriguing shoots Playboy has ever done. (I mean aside from the women of Enron. Come on, that was genius!)