Tag Archives: Home

GLEE: Home Is Where The Boring Is

The latest episode of Glee was a total snooze. Let's deal with the issue of home and what that means to us as individuals. Mercedes toyed with being at home in her body. Will, fresh into the divorce pile, needs to find a new apartment home. Kristin Chenoweth is back as alchie April Rhodes who longs to sublet Will's home and heart. Finn's mom and Kurt's dad are thinking about sharing a home together. And the Glee Club has once again been bested by Sue Sylvester, losing their auditorium or their what kids?... HOME! Very good. Very boring more like it. I'm not even going to go any deeper into this episode because it really doesn't even deserve this post. As for Kurt Outfit Watch, since his joining the Cheerios his wardrobe has been limited to the Will Ferrellesque cheerleading uniform. Kurt wants his wardrobe back! Hungry Mercedes invites you into her fantasies and promises better episodes to come! Continue reading GLEE: Home Is Where The Boring Is