Tag Archives: desert flower


Desert Flower [vodpod id=Video.5255713&w=425&h=350&fv=] This looks fucking awesome! The rags to riches story of a hot ass African chick who moves to America for opportunity, only to become a maid but eventually falls in with a has-been photographer, becoming one of the top models and eventually a diplomatic voice for women across the globe! Admit one! Hanna [vodpod id=Video.5255716&w=425&h=350&fv=] Okay anything with Saoirse Ronan playing another badass kid who defies the laws of physics and Cate Blanchett sporting a Southernish accent is okay in my book . And lets not forget that Eric Bana is in it for like 10 minutes. Three more after the jump! Continue reading It’s A TRAILERS Post!