menstruation – RADIOACTIVE COOKIES Go on, take a bite! Fri, 18 Mar 2016 20:23:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 108799538 HBIC Khloe Kardashian Breaks Vaginal Wall Thu, 15 Apr 2010 05:06:58 +0000 Continue reading HBIC Khloe Kardashian Breaks Vaginal Wall ]]> I recently globbed about the new feminine product line called U by Kotex. Well, not only are they breaking the social stigma by opening the conversation on vaginal health but now they have the HBIC herself, Khloe Kardashian among their ranks. Khloe is running the gambit of press circles between an informational video and a literal breaking of a wall containing euphemisms and words meant to hold women back... like Vajayjay (I never liked that word!) Damn you Grey's Anatomy for brining it into popular use! Here's Oprah and her Vajayjay. And a gallery of KK smashing it up! Via BWE ]]> 1 919 KOTEX & MOTHER NATURE: Opening The Conversation On Vaginal Health Tue, 30 Mar 2010 19:14:41 +0000 Continue reading KOTEX & MOTHER NATURE: Opening The Conversation On Vaginal Health ]]> Access Hollywood or The Insider (or some other variation) this fabulous commercial came on about tampons, periods and advertising, oh my! Kotex is launching a new line of feminine products designed for women who are annoyed by getting their periods but would still like their tampons to be pretty (AKA every woman!) So I did as the good advertisers told me and I went to the website for more information.
In a recent survey, 70% of women said they wish society would change the way it talks about vaginal health, but less than half feel like they can do anything about it. U by Kotex* brand wants to help women change the conversation about periods and vaginal care. By bringing it out into the open, we hope that every woman will learn to think differently, talk openly, take charge, help Break the Cycle* and begin to feel comfortable with her body and confident about her personal care.
Kotex, I'd like to personally thank you for trying to open up the conversation about menstruation. As you frequent readers of my glob know, I am pretty open about talking about perioding, however, there are many people in the world who are not. A period is a natural, yet annoying, part of life. So thank you Kotex, for trying to represent vaginal health... even if this is really all just to make a buck. And I must admit those tampons do look very pretty, but I'm going to stick with my Tampax Compak Pearl Tampons... variety pack... unscented! Product placement, what?! Visit U by Kotex for more information!]]> 2 735
Why It Sucks To Have A Vagina Fri, 19 Mar 2010 19:52:27 +0000 Continue reading Why It Sucks To Have A Vagina ]]> In my eternal quest to understand the true difference between men and women, I am devoting 2 posts, that's right not, just 1 but 2 posts to the difficulties associated with each set of genitalia. Since I'm a woman this list will come pretty easily. Here you go, the top 10 reasons why it sucks to be a woman. Why It Sucks To Have A Vagina 1. Menstruation - I've dedicated a lot of words to menstruation, and while it has to be said, I actually like having a period (it is what makes us women after all) it's still a pain in the ass. Cramps, mood swings, bloating all suck. And let's not forget what having a period does to your wallet (tampons are expensive.) 2. We Make Less Money - Statistically speaking we make much less money than men, women aren't given paid maternity leave and in the end we basically have to go to college to get a decent job. FACT: A woman that gets her BA will make the same amount of money as a man with just a HS diploma. 3. We're Not Taken As Seriously - Whether it's is class, with family, amongst friends or at work, a man's opinion, thought and/or ideas are taken more seriously than a woman's. 4. The Virgin/Whore Dichotomy - A lady in the street but a freak in the sheets. A motto I try to live my life by... just kidding. But seriously a woman's sexuality is a very delicate subject. Men and Women, myself included, make snap judgements about other women based on how we think she is sexually. 6 more reasons it sucks to be a chick after the jump! 5. Creepy Men/Catcalling - This one I fucking HATE! This is sexual harassment no matter how you slice it. It's rude and uncalled for. Don't catcall someone and if you get the vibes that she's not into you, move on. 6. The Beauty Myth - Beauty is pain... and expensive, it's a FACT that it costs more to be a woman than a man. Much of this has to do with beauty products, both necessary and not. Bras are both necessary and expensive. All the other junk we put in, on and around our bodies might be considered luxuries but the truth of the matter is, without these "luxuries" the general public would take us a lot less seriously than they already do. 7. Semen Is Disgusting - It is! 8. Gynos & Mammograms - I've never myself experienced a mammogram, although I eventually will, but I have had to scoot, scoot, scoot to the end of a table, put my feet in metal stirrups and be probed by a complete stranger. It's awkward. 9. Pregnancy Scares - Something a man will never experience quite like a woman. It's happening (or not) in our bodies and there's nothing we can do but wait to find out. 10. Men Are Assholes - Yes, there are good men out there, but the vast majority are still in their "playboy" stage. I had a fortune cookie that once said, "Boys will be boys and so will a lot of middle aged men." So men, you might be reading this and thinking that this is bullshit and I'm a crazy-psycho bitch, and you might be right... all I ask is that you read my next post. I do understand Why Sucks to Have A Penis.]]> 2 624 It Must Be That Time Of The Month… Wed, 03 Mar 2010 20:21:12 +0000 Continue reading It Must Be That Time Of The Month… ]]> Intent published an article last week about PMS and how it's really great for women because it gives us a chance to turn inward and explore our emotional spectrum. And then Jezebel got a hold of the article and tore it a new one.
Actually, what makes me "sad, anxious, and angry" is not my PMS. It's this article, which suggests that normal women even have the option to "resist their natural hormonal cycle." As if that's possible without some sort of outside assistance? The only ammo I have against my natural hormonal cycle is a pack of birth-control pills and a crazy-pill cocktail. And even then, I can't guarantee I'm not going to be a sobby bitch for at least half a day. (Alternately, I can't guarantee I'm not not going to be a sobby bitch at any other point during the month.)
I don't find either of these articles incredibly eye opening. All women, who bleed, have experienced PMS for it's bad, ie bloating, bitchiness, tearfulness, eat-everything-in-the-house-syndrome, and CRAMPS. We often forget the great things about PMS ie period boobs and the fact that you are not pregnant! Regardless of these articles, I'm honestly pretty fucking tired of men, not the dumb ones in films and TV, but men in real life asking the stupidest question of life, "Oh is it that time of the month?" Because it is either (a) that time of the month, and if it is you've just said something that's going to really fucking piss her off, or the more likely (b) not that time of the month and you've basically just invalidated her feelings. Men, you know how every time your team looses and you get really irritable and sad? What if we were to turn around and say, "Oh god, you fucking pussy, man up, it's a fucking game!" You probably would be upset that we invalidated your feelings, and if you were subject to monthly hormonal tide of overwhelmance it would probably make you cry! So, please, I beg you... DON'T FUCKING HURT WOMEN'S FEELINGS BY BEING COMPLETE AND UTTER TOOLS! IF YOU DO I WILL FUCKING HUNT YOU DOWN AND CUT YOUR BALLS OFF! And I'm not just yelling because I'm on my period. Now have a nice day!]]> 0 302
“THE RUNAWAYS” REVIEW: Men, You Can’t Stomach This Kind Of Gore Fri, 26 Feb 2010 20:11:49 +0000 Continue reading “THE RUNAWAYS” REVIEW: Men, You Can’t Stomach This Kind Of Gore ]]> Check out the trailer for The Runaways starring Kristen Stewart & Dakota Fanning. While you're in a video watching mood, check out baby Cherie Currie and baby Joan Jett performing "Cherry Bomb" in Japan circa 1977. Rock on ladies! WARNING: THIS POST CONTAINS SPOILERS. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS, WAIT UNTIL FUCKING MARCH 19 AND PAY $12.50, OR A FEW BUCKS LESS IF YOU LIVE IN NOT NYC (WHICH I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU'D BE READING THIS IF YOU DIDN'T, OR EVEN IF YOU DID FOR THAT MATTER.) Nothing says chick flick like blood... menstrual blood that is. The Runaways opens with a single drop of Scorsese Red blood falling onto the pavement, as the camera moves up a mature Dakota Fanning's leg to reveal the source. Blood streams down her leg from under her mini skirt as she and her sister run to a nearby public restroom, exchange panties, and do the old pad made out of napkins song and dance. Ladies, you know what I'm talking about, men, I'm sorry I ruined the fantasy. Women bleed! The Runaways, starring Kristen Stewart, of Twilight fame, and Dakota Fanning, of War of the Worlds, is a biopic based on frontwoman, Cherie Currie's book Neon Angel. They were an all girl, teenage rock band who's life spanned 1975-1979. Their hits include "Cherry Bomb", "Queens of Noise", "Rock n Roll", "Neon Angels (On the Road to Ruin)", and "Born to Be Bad." The film, The Runaways, could have been more appropriately titled The Runaways: Breaking the Fuck out of the Hollywood Darling Mold. While Fanning, who plays frontwoman and good girl gone very, very naughty Cherie Currie, has spent most of her career picking roles of substance and sometimes controversy, ie Hounddog, in which she plays a rape victim. However, Fanning remains to be seen as a child actor. Well, nothing says growing up better than menstruation, girl on girl action, drinking/popping/snorting anything and everything, lingerie and rock 'n roll! Fanning, giving a solid performance, certainly smashes any preconceived notions with her latest role. The film, certainly is, all about Currie, although Stewart gets top billing. From her meager beginnings as a 15 year old lip synching David Bowie in her school's talent show, donning metallic red disco pants to her downfall and dismembering herself from the band. Fanning does a great job of portraying Currie as naive, fame hungry and addictive without seeming like a diva. If Fanning doesn't supply enough sympathy for her character her family life certainly brings it home. From her fairweather mother, randomly played by Tatum O'neil, who decides to move to Indonesia at the top of the film to her alcoholic father... excuse me, he's not an alcoholic, he just likes to drink as Fanning explains, "that's the difference." Showing the opposite end of the rocker chick spectrum, Stewart, who plays Joan Jett, gives yet again, another shy, monotone, angsty portrayal of a character. However, unlike her Bella portrayal, she might just be spot on in Jett. At the screening I attended, the real life Joan Jett was there for a Q&A and seemed to be not too far off from Stewart's portrayal, save for her gravely yet sultry voice. Yeah, I said "gravely yet sultry!" Stewart certainly had her mannerisms down and got Jett's famous shag-do almost perfectly. It might just be my aversion to everything Kristen Stewart but I didn't totally dig her, I didn't totally undig her either for that matter. She was just so-so, which is much more than I was expecting out of her. So good job K-Stew! It's quite clear, however, that Stewart's choice in Jett might have been somewhat motivated by her aversion to everything Twilight. Like Fanning, Stewart is clearly trying to break out of the child/teen/tween/whatever-the-fuck-they're-calling-it-these-days actor mold by choosing more adult roles, or in this case, more lesbian roles. While I think it's fair to say Fanning and Stewart both delivered in this film, Michael Shannon's, Oscar nominated for his role in Revolutionary Road, portrayal of rogue record producer Kim Fowley stole the show. Clearly the most experienced actor of the lot, Shannon's larger than life presence in every scene he was in left me wanting more. He had some of the best lines in the film, repeatedly telling the girls that rock 'n roll is about sex and "this is not women's lib, this is women's libido!" Screaming at Currie to "orgasm" her songs. When asked by an audience member if Fowley was accurately portrayed in the film, Jett replied that that was Kim and "so much more." Penned by first time screenwriter, Floria Sigismondi, the script was richly visual, not heavy with dialogue, but rightfully funny and poignant. Sigismondi also directed this film and did a fairly okay job. If you ask me she used a little too much red light, which, let's face it, everything looks awesome in red light. Her choices were solid, mostly safe and expected. However, unlike many other director's, Tarentino I'm looking at you, she didn't draw attention away from the story with her outlandish style, which in my opinion, the focus of the story should be... well, the story. I love period pieces, especially those set in the 1970s, and this film was definitely authentic. Kudos to top notch work by the large art department. Overall, I'd say the movie was good, it's certainly no masterpiece of cinema but definitely a great movie to make you feel empowered, rockin' and also kind of bad about doing the "dirty sink." Reference to, drummer Sandy West, skimming off the top of each and every bottle in her parents' liquor cabinet to create an iced tea colored concoction in a baby shampoo bottle. We've all been there! Since the gracious Joan Jett was in attendance at the screening she answered some questions from the audience and gave a little taste of what it was like being part of an all girl rock band in the 1970s. When asked if there were any similar "rules of the road" to an all male rock band, as in a different girl in every city, Jett replied, "I think it was pretty much the same for us!" She also told a fun anecdote about herself, Currie and West getting arrested for stealing hotel keys. Since Jett was the only participant of age, she was the only one behind actual bars. She said she sang and rattled her cage until they let her out, which they did! However, with all these great stories I think my favorite was when she revealed that Kenny Ortega, director of Newsies and the High School Musical trilogy, choreographed some of their stage moves! Now I'm not saying The Runaways didn't have great moves, but I think they might have stayed together a little longer if their choreography had looked a little more like this. See video below for 1899 style fist pumping. And lastly, for your personal satisfaction, below is a small gallery containing a couple movie posters and a snap of the real Runaways and their doppelgangers! The holy grail of review zines covered the flick about a month ago. They gave it a fairly similar, albeit, slightly more professional review. Check out Variety for the full review.]]> 0 59