Cookies – RADIOACTIVE COOKIES Go on, take a bite! Fri, 18 Mar 2016 20:20:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 108799538 BREAKING BAD 5.1 Recap Wed, 18 Jul 2012 01:05:00 +0000 Continue reading BREAKING BAD 5.1 Recap ]]> You're wondering where I've been and all I can say to you is that I've been busy. I could fill you in on all the gory details of the past year but thats not why you clicked this post. You're reading this because you're like me and you've at last been released from television pergatory to only be welcomed into the kingdom of our savior Walter White.
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Yes Breaking Bad season 5 premiered last night on AMC and it was a glorious, albeit somewhat befuddling return. The episode opens with Walt, our father of the blue crystal, rearranging some bacon into a 52, because, guess what? Its his b-day! (Or at least the birthday of his new identity) and everyone knows you eat for free at Denny's when its your birthday and you sign an integrated marketing contract. What's worse than the blatant advertising ploy, most likely a result of AMC initially trying to can BB because of the high production costs, is the amount of hair on Bryan Cranston's head. Walt appears to no longer be in the 7th circle of hell aka Arizona and meets up with some rando guy in the bathroom and gives him an envelope. So much mystery already. Where are Skylar and the kids? What state is this Denny's in? Why is Walt tossing the bald look? The plot thickens as Walt goes to the parking lot and pops open the trunk of (not his) a car to find a BIG ASS gun and some instruction manuals. Cue opening sequence! Welcome to Season 5! JUMP FOR MORE BREAKING BAD RECAP-I-NESS!!! We return to right after Gus goes boom, Skyler is still annoying and mostly useless as ever. While Hank is still hobbeling around the case of the blue meth. Apparently hasmat suits now come paired with stylish walkers for the every day DEA agent exploring a giant exploded meth lab. And it wouldn't be BB if Hank didn't stumble across something that totally harshed the mellows of the three bald wisemen. Walt and Jesse find Mike, who's still really pissed off about the whole blowing up Gus thing and is ready to kill Walt and give Jesse some dad-like advice, 'cuase 'ya know, they're BFFs. But before Mike can pull the trigger, Walt reminds him that the police have Gus' laptop with the video record he kept of all the meth making/dealing. Mike grumbles and agrees to go on a road trip to Jesse's house where the baldies try to figure out a way to keep the cops from seeing the tapes. Being the genius that he is, Jesse asks, "What about magnets yo? Like every time I put my cell phone next to my metrocard that shit can't swipe for like 3 days!" Sorry, NYC reference. But it's so crazy it might just work! Like any man of science, Walt wants to test out Jesse's theory, of course, at a scrap yard. In another fit of AMC's attempt to lower their bottom line, they wreak a shitty Dell computer with the test magnet and it works! Meanwhile, in another storyline Saul goes to Skyler to tell her that, guess what, Ted, the rere that tripped his way, head first into a bannister, is actually not dead like we all thought, he's awake! And he looks like Pinhead. But it's all good because Skyler's goons scared the shit out of him when he got all paralyzed and shaved down so he won't be spreading any news about the Whites anytime soon. Later, Jesse and Walt head over to the police station and park their sketchy ass truck next to the evidence room and turn the magnet on full blast, ripping the evidence room apart and rendering Gus' evidence laden laptop in smithereens. But wait, it appears that all the flying of evidence broke one of Gus' pretty picture frames, revealing some scribble scratch that will probably come back to haunt our heroes later on in the season. But for now, Walt is none the wiser and returns home to hug his wife. With a fairly solid season opener, we're left wondering what the scribble scratch could mean, is it a stash of evidence, a stash of money, a stash of Gus' DNA so he can be reanimated only to continue tormenting Walt? The possibilities are endless. But what I'm still curious about is how that curly mop got on Walt's head and when it's going to go back to where it came from?! ]]> 1 3342
Interactions With An Anonymous Stranger Who Will Remain Nameless Pt. V Tue, 05 Jul 2011 14:00:47 +0000 Continue reading Interactions With An Anonymous Stranger Who Will Remain Nameless Pt. V ]]> The Outlaw It was noon on the 4th of July. The sun hung high in the sky as I ran down the winding mountainside. My formerly spastic running had been replaced by something more steady; my breath was deep and even, my stride was fast and long, and the city pavement and skyline had been replaced by a pothole ridden mountain road canopied by hundred year woods. It was beautiful, and something that helped me clear my mind. Two miles down, two miles up. As I rounded the final bend down the mountain I saw the bottom of the ski slope I'd just run down, "This is going to be a bitch back up," I said to myself, out of breath. In the distance I saw a local riding a 4-wheeler and though I didn't want to take time out of my workout, I knew I'd have to stop to catch my breath before I embarked on the two mile run up the side of a mountain. And so I stopped and gazed up at the ski slope, overrun by two-foot tall grass, taking in the beauty of the mountain and the bitch I was about to conquer. I heard the 4-wheeler circle me as the rider pulled up to my right and took of his helmet to reveal his sandy brown hair, scruffy beard and bright blue eyes; he was cute, really cute. A bit rough around the edges, grease stained shirt, stonewashed jeans tucked into large work boots, his 4-wheeler had a skull and bones sticker reading "OUTLAW." I was intrigued, at least enough to offer a smile and say, "Hey! Happy 4th! You out here for a ride?” “Yeah, though I wish they’d fill in all these damn potholes.” He said with a southern accent. “Tell me about it, when I was running down here I thought I might fall in and break a leg.” He looked up at the mountain with a bit of contempt on his face. “It’s a shame what they’ve done to the place.” “Yeah, looks like it could use a good lawn mower. Still, it’s beautiful.” “Yeah, I’d love to get my hands back on her, we rented her out to a new company and they don’t keep up with any of the maintenance. You worked here?” “No, not me.” “Oh come on, everyone up here’s worked here.” “No, I was born up here but we moved to New York when I was little, we come up here on weekends sometimes. What did you do here?” “Oh me? My family owns the slope.” You don’t say? A cute, 4-wheeler riding outlaw who owns a ski slope? Thank you karmic running gods! ... “You go to school in New York?” “I graduated. Trying to be a writer now.” “Really? How’s that going?” “Well I’m working on something now, came up here for inspiration and peace of mind. What do you do?” “Me? I go to school studying renewable energy and I work with solar panels and a local electric company. But it’s a tough sell to people up here, not many people know about it or want to change.” “That’s why you’ve gotta come to the city where everybody’s converted.” “Tell me about it!” Are you kidding me? A Cute, 4-wheeler riding outlaw who owns and ski slope and wants to save the environment? Where’s the catch? My would be 5 minute break soon turned into a full blown conversation as I dazzled him with my knowledge of energy subsidies in the city, he talked about an eco-blog he writes for. Then he asked me how long my family had their house on the mountain, he smiled when I told him it was built in the 70s. “Oh, so you’re one of those grandfathered houses. It just gets me when people move in from New York, no offense, and then don’t mow the lawn, it ruins the landscaping.” “Guilty,” I had to admit my property had, until recently, looked like a 1970s Playboy centerfold. We joked about rent and space in New York versus the country, growing up on a ski slope, I don't imagine it would be easy for him living in an apartment, heck he said going into town was cramped for him. Yup we were a couple of opposites, thrown together by the illogical laws of fate, but who was I to fight it? He was cute and seemingly interested in my sweaty, unmakeuped self, and then there was the catch. “But really with the company I’m with, it’s all about saving people money, It’s hard times now, feeding a family of 6 is tough, even a family of 4 like I’ve got.” And there is was. “Family of 4. You don’t say?” Please don’t say, please don’t say. “Yeah, me, my girl, our little one and my dog. Dog costs more than me sometimes.” “Hm, boy or girl?” Bubble burst. “Boy, junior. He’s two months.” “Wow, that’s brand new, that’s exciting.” As soon as I said that, he didn’t look too excited. “Yeah well, it’s a bit more than I can handle right now, but you know, it happens sometimes.” I guess it sometimes does. He hoped back on his 4-wheeler and turned the key, “Well, I’ll let you get on you’re way, it’s hot out here.” “Yeah, I gotta run up this thing now.” He reared his head looking up at the two miles of mountain above us. “You could ride up it!” He smiled at me, offering me a seat on the back of his 4-wheeler. I have to admit, I was tempted, riding up grassy ski slope on the back of a 4-wheeler, holding on to a complete, but very handsome, stranger was almost too good to pass up. And I might have actually taken him up on it if it hadn’t been for three things; his girl, junior, and the lack of an extra helmet. So I smiled and said, “No thanks, I think I’m going to run it. Gotta prep for all the beer and hotdogs I’ll be having later! It was nice meeting you though.” “Nice meeting you too, good luck with that writing!” He put his helmet back on and revved the engine. I turned and took off up the mountain and didn’t look back once. Halfway up when I felt I was going to die from the incline and the 90 degree heat, I was kicking myself for not taking the ride, but somehow I managed to make it to the top without my outlaw.]]> 0 3330 30 MUSTACHE RIDES: The Official Mustache List Sat, 23 Apr 2011 16:13:40 +0000 Continue reading 30 MUSTACHE RIDES: The Official Mustache List ]]> Well, it's been a while since I've done a good list so here you go. I've noticed a trend that's popped back up, one that hasn't been prevalent so much in our culture since the 70's, you know what I'm talking about... mustaches. Twirl them, comb them, ride them, they're all the same... or so I thought. I have to admit, while I go weak in the knees for facial hair, the one type that always gave me the "there's a child molester breathing down the back of my neck" shivers were mustaches... up until now that is. I see it all the time now, men sporting bare faces with a snuggled upper lip and I have to say... it's kind of turning me on. So I took it upon myself to embrace this new trend of male grooming (because let's face it, any kind of male grooming should be embraced. Am I right ladies?!) and I've compiled the ultimate list! So here it is, the good, the bad and the ugly in MUSTACHES! Hot Mustaches Honorable Mustaches Evil Mustaches DISCLAIMER: I'm not telling every guy out there to grow a mustache just because you can. You need a certain type of face, a certain refinement, and a certain confidence to pull one off correctly. Please see the above examples for good mustaches and bad mustaches.]]> 0 3248 COSMO: What I Learned In May 2011 Fri, 22 Apr 2011 02:58:00 +0000 Continue reading COSMO: What I Learned In May 2011 ]]> It must be that time of the month again! My May issue of Cosmopolitan, staring Paramore's Hayley Williams, came in the mail! And as per our agreement, I've thumbed through the countless ads for self-tanner and diet pills to find the very best, this month's issue has to offer! And as per our agreement, you shall read what I have to say. Now go! READ IT! Hayley Williams: Corn Dog of Revenge pg. 46-49 The Rubber-Band Effect pg. 144-147 I Have Orgasms All Day Long pg. 214-215 Sex Moves His Ex Didn't Do pg. 141-143 How Guys Really Feel About Your BO pg. 82 Decode His Texts pg. 256 May Look Book Check out full scans of Hayley's boring interview. ]]> 0 3214 Interactions With An Anonymous Stranger Who Will Remain Nameless Pt. IV Fri, 15 Apr 2011 16:17:57 +0000 Continue reading Interactions With An Anonymous Stranger Who Will Remain Nameless Pt. IV ]]> The Hit On & Run So this morning I woke up a bit early to go jogging by the Hudson River. Something I like to do when it's a nice, sunny morning, like it was today. The only problem was, I felt like shit. The week had worn on me and the last thing I wanted to do on a Friday morning was to go run for an hour. But I did it anyway. I dragged my sorry ass out of bed and threw on my all back outfit (I looked like I was attending a professional jogger's funeral) and I hit the pavement. The hour went by, and just three blocks away from my apartment, the sweet release of my shower and giant bottle of water I was stopped at a light. "Excuse me miss," I turn to see a man had approached me and was looking me up and down. Mind you I have no make up on, extra baggy eyes, am pretty sweaty from my workout and having forgotten to put on deodorant, probably smelly. The one thing I did have working for me were my thin-fit technology sewn yoga pants that made my legs and ass look much more toned than they actually are. "Yeah," I panted. "How many miles would you say you run?" "About four," I looked around, the light was about to change. "Wow, that's about, that's like, a-" He was trying to do the math. "That's about 80 blocks, that's good. So, um-" The light changed. "Gotta run!" I ran across the street and could make out his parting words. "Keep up the good work!" Best. Exit. Strategy. Ever.]]> 1 3207