no makeup week – RADIOACTIVE COOKIES Go on, take a bite! Fri, 18 Mar 2016 20:21:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 108799538 Best Of RadCooks 2010 Thu, 30 Dec 2010 19:12:22 +0000 Continue reading Best Of RadCooks 2010 ]]> What a year it's been! 2010 was Radioactive Cookies' inaugural year and I think we did a pretty great job! Since it's inception on February 24, 2010, RadCooks has received almost 30,000 hits and I couldn't be happier! In honor of the New Year, we of course need to recap all the amazingness of 2010. So here's a best of list that'll make you laugh, cry and probably cringe. 5 Most Visited Posts 1. PHAT GIRLS: 25 Hot Full Figured Women In Hollywood: All you skinny bitches can move aside because 2010 was the year of the big girl! As a proud curvaceous woman myself, I am so happy that the chubby chasers of the world have made Phat Girls my #1 most visited post the year! 2. RadFem To Watch: Jaclyn Santos: Thanks to a Tweet from the RedFem herself, Jaclyn Santos, this post received 2nd honors! Thanks Jaclyn, we hope to see more of you in 2010! 3. HAPPY MILF DAY: 40 Hot Hollywood Moms: Mother's Day 2010 was my busiest day of the year. With the most posts I've ever done, I also received the most viewership. Shame on you all for reading my glob instead of spending quality time with your mommy! 4. THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE: A Look At Ass-To-Mouth Surgery: The Human Centipede, what can I say? Those of you that read this post along with honorable mention THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE Review I just want to let you know that you are all very sick and you are not alone! 5. VAJAZZLE With A "J" & VAGAZZLED aka Swarovski Pubes: Let's not forget my Vajazzled posts! The pair, tied for 5th place were some of my very first posts! Though I can't take all the credit, I have to give a shout out to Bryce Gruber who took one for the team and had her lady garden bedazzeled on camera! MissBleecker's Top 5 Posts 1. KATY PERRY: The Ironic Feminist: Who could forget my massive and incredibly late Katy Perry post? Not only was this one of my most extensive posts but it was also one of the funnest. Let's not forget it introduced Prof.PurplePants! 2. CHRISTINA AGUILERA'S "NOT MYSELF TONIGHT": A Lesson In Radical Feminism: One of my top rated posts, NMT was a great song that I felt was seriously underrated. And of course, I'll always have a spot in my heart and on my glob for my #1 girl Christina Aguilera! 3. AUTO-FELLATIO: Sampling Your Own Pancakes: Oh auto-fellatio, you almost made it into the top 5! What can I say, it was a simpler time when I could write about a man pleasuring himself orally, though I have heard of a slight demand for an autolingus post... 4. The No Makeup Week Series: A great week of my life was spent au natural for you good people. It was a really great experience and hopefully the first of more to come in personal experiments! 5. RadFem Of The Century: The Ho That Boned 13 Duke Athletes And Wrote A Thesis About It: How could we forget the Duke Fuck List author Karen Owen? This was your year girl, relish in it! 5 Posts You Didn't Read But Should 1. The Interactions With An Anonymous Stranger Who Will Remain Nameless Series: This series is a personal favorite of mine. With three volumes down, I hope to keep you updated on the awfully bad attempts made at yours truly. 2. The 2010 Oscar Predictions and Outcomes Posts: I really cannot believe that there were so few readers of my 2010 Oscar posts. Not only did I predict nearly all the winners (yeah, you could have cleaned up in your office pool) but I analyzed the Oscars through a feminist and political lens. Let's not have the same fate for Oscar Watch 2011! 3. MissBleecker Goes To Washington: I was on a bus for 10 hours in one day, I missed all of my friends, I wore cookies on my breasts, and I came home to keep the party going for Halloween as Ke$ha and you still didn't read my post?! 4. The Theory of Sexual Economics Pt. 1 & Pt. 2: I have to admit these posts were a bit off collar for RadCooks but interesting nonetheless. Check them out to see what personality type is your best match according to me! 5. “THE RUNAWAYS” REVIEW: Men, You Can’t Stomach This Kind Of Gore: Now I will admit, having seen The Runaways, it was not the best movie of the year, it wasn't the worst either. It just didn't get much recognition either way, as my review did. However, I attended a screening with Joan Jett and she had some insider scoop that any rock 'n roller would love to read! Well there you have it, the Best Of RadCooks Lists 2010! I hope you all had a great year! I can't wait for 2011, I'm sure it'll be as disastrous a year in pop culture as 2010 was!]]> 0 2591 NO MAKEUP WEEK: Day 7 – Wednesday Thu, 30 Sep 2010 02:13:26 +0000 Continue reading NO MAKEUP WEEK: Day 7 – Wednesday ]]> Coincidence? I Think Not A couple of days ago I found out that I'd be doing something really cool at work that involved meeting some VIPs (I cannot give anymore details for fear of being terminated. Hey Bosspeople, confidentiality agreement met!) I was exited, ecstatic, elated, other exclamations beginning with "e," and then I looked at my calendar and saw that the pivotal day was also the last day of No Makeup Week and I silently cursed ever starting this godforsaken challenge week. I seriously considered throwing the whole thing out the window and saying, "Fuck it, I'm not meeting VIPs looking like a garden gnome." But then I thought, "No, you cannot abandon this project MissBleecker." And so I decided, makeup or no, I was going to go through with business as usual, because, after all, those were the rules. And then I thought to myself, this just seems too perfectly orchestrated to be true, I mean either my life is a SitCom (which I often think it is) or the Universe is trying to tell me something. It just seemed far too perfect that the culmination of my beauty project would eventually end in the biggest test of my faith in my face (and all that I am to back it up.) Needless to say, the day went swimmingly, and although the VIPS (all of which were beautiful/handsome/put together people) might not have been scathed by my presence, as I am not at the top of the food chain (not yet, at least), they also did not seem to be bothered by my unmade face and were friendly nonetheless. Lessons Learned So what does this all mean? What has this week taught me? Why do I wear makeup? Well for one, because I like it. I like wearing make up because of the way it makes me feel I look. If this experiment has taught me anything it's that I don't actually wear make up for other people, my friends, people who really know me, don't care much if I'm picture perfect or looking like Ke$ha on a Sunday morning. It's me that doesn't want to look in the mirror at my true face. And why is that? It is because I think I'm ugly? No, certainly not. Maybe it's because after 22 years of looking at my reflection gradually change and age, the only thing I can keep constant is the image I wish to present to myself. So what am I saying, that make up is merely a placebo? Possibly. Who knows if what I see in the mirror is drastically different from what the world sees when they look at me. When you study your face, you can see all the years marked on it, you can see the cracks, the lines, the freckles, the differences that no one else can. So when you cover it up, are you seeing what you've done to your face or what you'd like it to be? People strive for perfection, it's what motivates us, it's what separates us from animals. We try to achieve, to be our best selves, to evolve into what we wish to become. For me, making my face is a transformative process which allows me to raise my head higher, look people in the eyes and not be afraid. It is a mask I wear, and I wear it proudly. After this whole week, I know that tomorrow, when I get ready, I'm going to take the extra 10-15 minutes and paint my face with my warrior lines. That mask is what protects me from the world, it lets me face her without any fear. And let's face it, after all is said and done, we're all a little shallow, and why? Well because we live in a material world baby, and hey, I'm a material girl! Side Note: I've been thinking of that line all fucking week!]]> 2 2254 NO MAKEUP WEEK: Day 6 – Tuesday Wed, 29 Sep 2010 16:07:32 +0000 Continue reading NO MAKEUP WEEK: Day 6 – Tuesday ]]> So you might have noticed that RadCooks has undergone a slight face lift. The much needed changes to my glob's theme have come about due to boredom and an inability to grasp advanced CSS editing skills within a work day. You'll hopefully be seeing more changes to RadCooks once I master the art of web design; and for those of you who are not familiar, that shit is pretty fucking hard, but until then, I leave you with a slightly more colorful, personalized and RADiant RadCooks. I like the houndstooth! Feeling Feelings What to say about Day 6? I started writing yesterday and it turned into something that was deep and somewhat surprising, so I'll expound upon those thoughts for my conclusion. However, what my stream of consciousness showed me was that this experiment has become a lot more personal than I'd originally intended. With the end drawing near, I need to ask myself why I did this and what I expected to get out of it. I honestly did it because I thought I couldn't. When I read the original Jezebel post I thought it would be fun to challenge myself and glob about the crazy hyjinks that my makeupless face would surely get me into. I must say, this week has been a bit more hyjinky than normal, and when you read Day 7's post it would just be that the universe decided to have my last day of No Makeup Week coincide with another major event (details to come.) Anyway, back to the point I was making before I rudely interrupted myself, I feel as if this experiment has become more than just something fun and challenging, it's become personal to me. I've begun to question what I see when I look in the mirror, what people see when they look at me, beauty in general. What I thought was one way has proven to be another and now I feel that on Thursday, life after No Makeup Week is either (a) going to change my perception of my face and beauty forever or (b) just be something I globbed about when I was young. What scares me most is how vulnerable I've been over the past week; I've taken down my most physical barrier between myself and the world and I'm presenting myself as I am and not the perfect image I wish to be. More so, dear reader, I'm being completely open and honest with you. What's happened over the past week was an unexpected switcheroo, you're no longer reading words written by MissBleecker, this is pure me.]]> 0 2258 NO MAKEUP WEEK: Day 5 – Monday Mon, 27 Sep 2010 23:22:10 +0000 Continue reading NO MAKEUP WEEK: Day 5 – Monday ]]> A Case Of The Mondays I woke up this morning groggy, confused and thoroughly unsatisfied with my dreams, add that to the fact that it was raining cats and dogs and I had to hike nearly a mile to physical therapy and I was not a happy camper. Mondays, why was the day ever invented? Mondays jolt you back to reality like a defibrillator. I walked into work, feeling gross from the rain and when I looked in the mirror to fix myself I remembered why it is my concealer is my best friend. As you all know, I had a pretty full weekend and my face paid the price. I had been rested, I had been glowier, but not on Mondays. And then it hit me like a ton of bricks, I remembered where the obsession started. You see in high school I wore make up, I would wear eye liner here, blush there, but it wasn't an everyday thing and never to the extent it is today. Like A Punch In The Face Freshman year of college, first semester, I had 8AM classes everyday, work until 4PM and then an evening class. By the time I got back to the dorm it was dark out, I'd grab dinner at a dining hall, chow down and then drink myself silly. It was college, I wasn't under my mother's eye and we were freshmen, it was what we did. Needless to say, my complexion took a beating, at least that's how it looked. Because one day, out of no where, I was hanging out in my friend's room and his roommate looks at me and comments on my dark circles, "It looks like you got punched in the face." Well that's what the insult felt like, it knocked the air out of me and the next day I bought industrial strength under-eye moisturizer. Now, I don't know if it was the comment, or what it made me see in myself, but after that some sort of concealing was happening on a daily basis. Of course I can't blame my entire self-view on one idiotic remark from a man who clearly does not know how to converse with the fairer sex, and I'm not going to, but there are always remarks, looks, feelings that we get off other people, internalize them and add them to the why-I-hate-myself pile. And even to this day, the number one thing I need to cover up are my dark circles. I will say, to the man's credit, that he was absolutely correct, it did look like I'd gotten punched in the face, it still does, and that is one of the reasons why I wear make up. But here's some free advice, to all men, even if you don't want to sleep with her, never, ever, under any circumstances say anything negative about a woman's face. Because let me tell you, she's thought about her face every which way, so anything you say will resonate with her as true. So again, never say anything negative, even if she asks you... especially if she asks you.]]> 0 2202 NO MAKEUP WEEK: Day 4 – Sunday Mon, 27 Sep 2010 14:23:00 +0000 Continue reading NO MAKEUP WEEK: Day 4 – Sunday ]]> The Day Of Rest I might have taken Sunday as a day of rest a little too literally. Yesterday I slept most of the day away, finally waking up 2PM. I did the usual: recon to find all my belongings I'd scattered around my room in my altered state, recounted my weekend with a long-distance friend, and ate left-over Indian food. Before I knew it, I had to be on my merry way, for this weekend I had a full dance card and my next tango was coming up in the form of a birthday party in the ABCs. But first thing's first, I was overdue to get my lady garden landscaped by the "we don't fuck around" Russian ladies at Dyanna Spa (highly recommended.) When I got there, my Waxer/Waxologist (what's the job title?) took a look at my face and said, "You look different." She said she didn't know what it was but that it was different and nice. And so we conversed about different things, the weekend, my job, my vagina; my naked face seemed to be bridging not only a language barrier but bringing me closer to a woman who'd seen me in more positions than my yoga instructor. Sunday, Bloody Sunday I was beginning to feel more confident, especially after my weekend of partying. No one really seemed to notice I wasn't wearing makeup, and if they did, they didn't care. Which goes back to the old philosophy, people care far too much about themselves to notice anyone else. After the party, I checked out a tattoo parlor (I'm thinking of getting one,) and looking at the artists' books and the massive work that people had gotten made me question beauty. More so than putting a face on everyday, we all have beauty routines. We brush our hair, we moisturize, we accessorize, we create ensembles, we make up, we dye, we wax, we tattoo, we pierce, we tuck, we implant, we Lipo, I could go on forever, but I think you get the point. Beauty routines are not abnormal, but they are varying, both by way and extent. Now some might say certain regimens or procedures are unnecessary, and they might very well be, but they might very well not be to that individual. But where and when do we draw a distinction between normal, acceptable beauty alterations and deformation? Side Note: I know I'm raising a lot of really deep questions this week, and while I might not be able to answer all or even any of them definitively by the end of the week, they represent more of a greater meditation on beauty than just asinine questions meant to confuse the reader. I'm guessing this didn't help with that much. This post is brought to you by Original RadFem, and no stranger to makeup, Christina Aguilera. ]]> 0 2191