job – RADIOACTIVE COOKIES Go on, take a bite! Fri, 18 Mar 2016 20:21:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 108799538 NO MAKEUP WEEK: Day 7 – Wednesday Thu, 30 Sep 2010 02:13:26 +0000 Continue reading NO MAKEUP WEEK: Day 7 – Wednesday ]]> Coincidence? I Think Not A couple of days ago I found out that I'd be doing something really cool at work that involved meeting some VIPs (I cannot give anymore details for fear of being terminated. Hey Bosspeople, confidentiality agreement met!) I was exited, ecstatic, elated, other exclamations beginning with "e," and then I looked at my calendar and saw that the pivotal day was also the last day of No Makeup Week and I silently cursed ever starting this godforsaken challenge week. I seriously considered throwing the whole thing out the window and saying, "Fuck it, I'm not meeting VIPs looking like a garden gnome." But then I thought, "No, you cannot abandon this project MissBleecker." And so I decided, makeup or no, I was going to go through with business as usual, because, after all, those were the rules. And then I thought to myself, this just seems too perfectly orchestrated to be true, I mean either my life is a SitCom (which I often think it is) or the Universe is trying to tell me something. It just seemed far too perfect that the culmination of my beauty project would eventually end in the biggest test of my faith in my face (and all that I am to back it up.) Needless to say, the day went swimmingly, and although the VIPS (all of which were beautiful/handsome/put together people) might not have been scathed by my presence, as I am not at the top of the food chain (not yet, at least), they also did not seem to be bothered by my unmade face and were friendly nonetheless. Lessons Learned So what does this all mean? What has this week taught me? Why do I wear makeup? Well for one, because I like it. I like wearing make up because of the way it makes me feel I look. If this experiment has taught me anything it's that I don't actually wear make up for other people, my friends, people who really know me, don't care much if I'm picture perfect or looking like Ke$ha on a Sunday morning. It's me that doesn't want to look in the mirror at my true face. And why is that? It is because I think I'm ugly? No, certainly not. Maybe it's because after 22 years of looking at my reflection gradually change and age, the only thing I can keep constant is the image I wish to present to myself. So what am I saying, that make up is merely a placebo? Possibly. Who knows if what I see in the mirror is drastically different from what the world sees when they look at me. When you study your face, you can see all the years marked on it, you can see the cracks, the lines, the freckles, the differences that no one else can. So when you cover it up, are you seeing what you've done to your face or what you'd like it to be? People strive for perfection, it's what motivates us, it's what separates us from animals. We try to achieve, to be our best selves, to evolve into what we wish to become. For me, making my face is a transformative process which allows me to raise my head higher, look people in the eyes and not be afraid. It is a mask I wear, and I wear it proudly. After this whole week, I know that tomorrow, when I get ready, I'm going to take the extra 10-15 minutes and paint my face with my warrior lines. That mask is what protects me from the world, it lets me face her without any fear. And let's face it, after all is said and done, we're all a little shallow, and why? Well because we live in a material world baby, and hey, I'm a material girl! Side Note: I've been thinking of that line all fucking week!]]> 2 2254 NO MAKEUP WEEK: Day 1 – Thursday Thu, 23 Sep 2010 23:08:51 +0000 Continue reading NO MAKEUP WEEK: Day 1 – Thursday ]]> Morning In Mourning I had to wake up extra early today, because, being the spaz that I am, I injured my foot in my sleep and had to follow up at the foot doctor, oh what a glamorous life I lead. Mornings are not really my thing, but this one was a little less rushed since I didn't have to perpetuate my daily makeup regimen (points not wearing makeup). I let my shaggy bangs hang low over my brows and donned my black-rimmed glasses to hopefully distract from the zombie look in my eyes. And so I was off, two hours earlier than I'd normally have to wake up, and on very little sleep (I worked 12 hrs yesterday, don't ask). My interaction with the foot doctor was my first foray into the makeupless world, and being that she was primped and put together at 8AM, it did not make me feel any better about my cracky look. When I arrived at work, not only did I feel like shit, for not having slept well, but I looked it. And as if the raccoon eyes weren't enough self-inflicted punishment, I was sporting a fetching new ankle support device, because, let's face it, if I didn't already feel out of place my doctor was going to make sure I was. Hey, at least it matched my dress! Professionalism Is Overrated One makeup enhanced theme that came to mind today was the idea of cosmetics in the professional world. As the working girl that I am, I find myself trying always to present myself with the professionalism required for an office job (an office job mind you that comes with a Foosball table in the kitchen). Everyday I wake up, primp, don my trendiest outfits, cover up all the areas that need covering and then I put on my "work face;" fresh, awake and completely appropriate, without that whole news-anchor thing. I would normally never dare come into work without at least a good base and some warmth in my cheeks, and so this experiment is forcing my to ask myself why do I associate makeup with professionalism? Is my face yet one more thing I must cover up when coming into the office? What is it about tired eyes that say, "I'm lazy?" On one hand, it could be that I didn't feel like taking the 5 minutes to fix them; but on the other hand, it speaks the truth. I'm a hard worker, and working almost 50 hrs a week makes a girl a little tired; am I not just showing my professional battle scars?]]> 0 2164